Thinking About Halloween: Peter Pan Costume
I can’t believe Halloween is just a month away! Of course, I started thinking about Elias’s Halloween costume this summer (remember this post?)
I was going to order him a Cat in the Hat costume.
Then I changed my mind.
I found him a like new Buzz Lightyear costume on Craigslist and ordered that.
And it is way too big (and can’t be made smaller).
So I went back to what I thought about doing last year, but then made the gnome costume instead.
My crafty friend Brittney found this pattern by Ashley from Make It and Love It. Here’s a picture from the Make It and Love It blog. Isn’t the costume amazing?!
I am planning on buying the fabric and making the costume this weekend. (Well, I think I am going to look for green leggings for Elias instead of making the pants.)
What are you Halloween plans? Let’s inspire one another!
Update: If you are planning on buying a Halloween costumer, the Milwaukee Groupon side-deal is for $30 worth of costumes for $15 from It’s valid in any city of course, since it is a website.