There are No Dead Ends with God
Tuesday’s lesson with RoseAnne once again rocked. This week, and for all future weeks, I am going to try to just share the highlights, instead of everything little thing she says. I am also going to cite the scripture, but not always provide it, so please grab your bible to follow along, or open a new window and go to ( and look up the verses. You can look them up in any translation.
Okay, on with the lesson.
Gratitude – remember that all situations are helpless without God; we must chose to let God work through us. All good gifts come from the Father. We are not powerful enough to do anything on our own – everything comes from the power of God working through us.
Until we pray there are things God will not give to us. Giving is a dual transaction when the recipient is as important as the giver. Sometimes we are not ready to receive what the Lord has for us. God doesn’t give to us until our hearts are receptive.
When we pray what we want, we will be disappointed. When we pray what he wants, we will NOT be disappointed.
KEY POINT! People who come to God not to dictate what to receive have approached God correctly.
Prayer is the actual communion with God. In Romans 8:26-27 we learn that the spirit helps us in our weakness. Even if you don’t know what to do pray, the Holy Spirit does!
Never to be unresponsive to God should be our chief concern.
Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20 turned his attention to seek the Lord. He prayed in the city of Judah and the entire city stood before the Lord. We learn that rescue in our language is not the same as rescue in God’s language. Prayer is how God tells us who he is and what he wants to do.
For next week, read II Chronicles 20:14-30: Answeres prayer, deliverance, blessing and praise, rest from God.