Have you heard? I’m detoxing…
So, I have chronic daily migraines. I was diagnosed with them two years ago and pretty much have a headache every day. After seeing a host of specialists and having every test done known to man relating to the head, my neorologist determined I have daily headaches. (gee, thanks) I take both prevetatives and aborative meds daily to manage them.
Well, a new doctor was recommended to me – Asa Andrew. He is a holistic “health coach” and he says that in eight weeks I will no longer have headaches… thanks to his eight weeks to a healthy you program. Part of me thinks the whole thing is too holistic and out there for me and part of me really wants to believe this will work. Vanderbilt sends cancer patients to him… so he has had a lot of tough cases and a lot of success stories.
Asa’s program involves a major food detox where he takes away a ton of food to “reset” your body. So prety much everything that I eat I can’t have – a partial list includess: all dairy products (the only type of milk I can drink is goats milk – YUCK), all grains (including pastas, cereal, bread, desserts), all sugar, all fruit except berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries – oh and lemons, limes and grapefruit), all lunch meats, all pork, all liquids except water and certain kinds of tea (I hate tea). Needless to say I pretty much can’t eat anything I normally eat. It stinks. I am on day four today… I’m already sick of salads and protein shakes…
All this is written in hopes that you will pray that this works. Because if it does, I will be so grateful to not have headaches any more. And who knows, maybe my eating habits will become a little better too. 🙂
I met a lady from the UK when I lived in Dubai…she went ‘raw’ and it transformed her life and took away many of the general maladies that we all tend to just put up with… Her website is http://www.shazzie.com
If you go under her ‘living raw’ section there is a link to her raw journals – really interesting read!
Good luck with the detox!
do you take birth control pills? those can cause chronic migrane, but are often ignored.
I had migraines every single day too! Several doctors later, I found out that I was “allergic” to a lot of foods. After I detoxed, I felt so much better. Don’t get your hopes up too high that once it’s over you’ll be able to go junk it up again.;) I still can’t eat a lot of those foods without immediately getting a headache. Pork is a big no-no. Egg I really have to becareful with, so that means cakes, cookies, etc. Now corn is really bad because I itch something crazy. I really do hope this works for you. It sure did me.
I’m coming to the scrap etc event, and that is how I found your blog.
I too have cronic migraines. I had to go off birth control and start taking daily medicines to help control it. I now only get one-two a week and my life is so much better now. Hope your migraines get better.