1. You make such beautiful creations! I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your work. You’ve even inspired me to look into going to Church!

  2. Jessica, these are beautiful! The picture on the clipboard is gorgeous. I love the reasons why you scrap.;)

  3. Thanks for posting allthese pics and projects! I’m going from blog to blog seeing the Event from all sorts of perspectives and getting bits of inspiration too. Love it! That WHY album of yours is amazing. You have to tell me what products you used…love the colors and well, just ALL of IT! So glad you had a great time. I will start gearing up for next year. =)

  4. hey jess!!
    love your projects!!! i haven’t touched mine since i got home!!!
    email me…..it’s on my blog….

  5. Wow, I`m going to be doing some scraplifting. LOL Honestly Jess, these are amazing. I`m starting a journey of faith album, any ideas?

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