Oh, Howie, How I Want to be on Your Show
So, I know you are dying to learn about my Deal or No Deal experience… so here is the download.
I arrived at approximately 4:45 am to Opry Mills and already about 1,500 people were in line. YIKES. I took my spot in line, with a chair and bag of magazines/books/snacks in tow. Here is a shot of part of the early morning line.
By about 7 am the Deal or No Deal people moved us to this blocked off area of the parking lot. The line snaked back and forth – with literally thousands of people in it. It was crazy. Most people were dressed normal, but there were a few wacky get-ups, to say the least… I’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves.
And here’s a shot of two casting directors welcoming us crazies.
After 8 hours in line, I got in to see a casting director. How it worked: 10 people were sent to a table with a casting director sitting at it. We were each given 20 seconds (he had a stop watch, but didn’t really cut anyone off) and had to say who were were and why we wanted to be on the show… One person was asked to stay back after we were all finished and he asked her a few questions. Some take this as a good sign, but the casting director said that we may be asked to be on the show even if we are not asked additional questions. So, I am going to be cautiously optimistic.
All in all, it was a good experience. They said that 75% of the show is casted from casting calls. Here’s to hoping that I get on Deal or No Deal! It would be amazing to win some money to support my Dad’s business. It is his birthday today, so Happy Birthday Dad! Love you.