1. Good news about the migraine meds working! : )

    We had a bird’s nest in one of our {dead} hanging flower baskets one summer too–our cats LOVED it! Bailey–the tabby–thinks she *is* a bird! : )


  2. OK be careful of hte lyrica… I took it for lupus sle/shingles and it made me have an eerrr Episode. I quit my job and went off the deep end. Dr said it was int eh 1 % side effects that cause this but he had alot of peopel that had been on it that werre having psychotic episodes, hallucinations and things, IT made me HORRIBLY moody and just a basket case. so ughmm just please please PLEASE be careful on it. IM not tryin to scare you but i had a HORRRRRIIIFFFIIICCC experience with it. SO now i will worry about you. Feel free to email me and I can tell you more detailed info and you can check with your dr. again it was only the 1% side effects but the dr said it was new so those would go up in percentile im sure. SO just warning you.

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