1. VERY cute bedding. I really like it!! I didn’t have a maternity belt but the bonus of that one holding hot/cold packs sounds like the way to go. Hope your back starts feeling better soon!!

  2. Love this choice !
    Glad you made your decision.
    Everything else will begin to flow together.

    Sorry about your back pain.
    I had the same thing…same spot. I am short, as well (5’2″). I didn’t have a maternity belt…maybe there wasn’t such a thing….oh, so long ago. HA !

    Have a blessed day.
    Jackie Carl
    Marion, IN

  3. I am short too and had difficulty with back and hip pain. Unfortunately it didn’t clear up after I had my son. Good luck with the maternity belt.

  4. I found your blog from Audrey/ Angie’s blog…we have the same bedding for my son that was born in October. We really like it and all of the textures, etc. Plus it goes with pretty much everything and is gender neutral in case you need it again in the future 🙂
    Bless you on this amazing journey…ejw

  5. About the back pain, buy some REALLY comfortable (but cute!) shoes! Also, switch from a regular purse to a small stylish backpack. These little things make a huge difference! Also, you might want to consider a support bra that’s designed for posture — that’s really helpful for the back. Try sleeping on your left side – that’s the least stressful position for your body, and heart.

  6. I love the bedding you’ve decided on… in fact, it’s the bedding we are leaning towards getting for our newborn… Sophia was born on March 17 and as with our other two we didn’t find out her gender until the midwife and my husband welcomed her into the world. I’m struggling with whether to get the Alphabet Soup (pretty gender neutral) or something girly… I’m just not sure what the wise choice is because we plan on having one more baby! (I like even numbers!)

  7. Concerning your lower back pain, have you ever considered a rehabilitative workout? Check out ttapp.com Suitable for both pregnancy and postpartum. Good stuff, great forums!

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