1. Congrats on making in the team.. their products are great. I’m in desperate need of a wishblade 🙂
    Have a great day,

  2. I love both projects but I would love to know how you made the cutting board if you don’t mind sharing!
    You are very talented and I love looking at your work. I may have to come to your lss and take one of your classes someday!


  3. congrats girlfriend! that’s so incredible. What a fun team to be a part of. can’t wait to see your beautiful stuff!

  4. You make the cutest scrapping things!! (btw, I use to work with Matt at Crosswalk.com, was on his blog and saw that you too have a scrapbooking obsession, so I thot I’d check out your page. Good job!! Personally, I just purchased the CriCut which is SO awesome!!)

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