1. Jessica,
    Is there anyway you can go in and delete a comment ffom Angie’s comments? It is from April 19, at 1053pm. Angie does not need to see that, not today.. not ever. I know anyone can post, and noone can really stop the negative comments. But I don’t want anything to stop her from wanting to post. It is one negative out of over 600 comments.. PTL for all the support.
    Thanks Jessica. Just thought since you were able to post while she was having Audrey, you could maybe help in this situation.

  2. oh how I wish I was there! So fun!

    When exactly will you be in the DC area, I’d love to try and get together! 🙂 eeeeek that’d be fun!

  3. Hi Jessica,

    I just wanted to say that you are in my prayers. You don’t know me, but I have been reading Angie’s blog (I have linked to her blog on my own blog).

    You have so much going on in your life, not to mention the impending birth of your own miracle, and yet..you didn’t hesitate to step in and provide love and support to the Smith’s in their time of need. That must have been so hard for you to know that your baby will be born healthy while your best friend is going to lose hers. I can’t imagine how it must have impacted you.Truly the love of Christ has been reflected in your actions. So…I will be praying for you. That God will just bless you tremendously in the days ahead.

    I will continue to lift Todd, Angie, and their girls to the Lord. Please give them our love!

    God bless you and your family.

    Love and Hugs…

  4. You are such a sweet person ! I have read Angies blog and my heart goes to pieces. A good friend of mine went through the same thing. She is trying once again and is almost to term with a healty baby, Praise God! If we only knew why… but that’s ok cause we know our Lord’s promise. You and Angie are both such a beloved child of God. Thank you for sharing your stories. May God pour his blessing on both of your families, Susie H

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