1. When I read Angie’s blog yesterday I sat with my mouth open thinking how can such a sweet family loose two precious babies in such a short amount of time.

    I will definitely continue pray for them!

  2. Jessica,
    I had already read about the Sponberg’s. I came to see how you were doing. It must be very difficult to carry so much sorrow for your friends while you are pregnant. I am specifically praying for you. That God would give you the strength and rest that you need.
    Cindy ~ Phoenix

  3. I had read Angie’s blog yesterday and burst into tears. To imagine the loss of two babies so close together is just heartbreaking. I am praying for them today. Thank you for sharing your heart Jessica.

  4. Jessica,

    I just wanted to give you a cyber hug and let you know that I’ve thought of you many times over the past few days.

    I also have to confess that I’ve been doing a lot of my own questioning of God. I can name at least 5 people who have lost a child since Todd & Angie lost Audrey. That’s a lot of children God’s taken to heaven in a really short period of time. It’s beyond my human comprehension and I just want to ask him what in the world is going on.

    Thanks for sharing the video of Todd. A very powerful song!!

  5. I am so broken for these families! Listening to the song brought me to tears. I have prayed for them!

  6. There are never enough words… we are all grieving with this family. God has a plan and we just don’t know what it is. But it’s so easy to yell at Him, “What is going on?!” Thankfully He doesn’t mind. Thankfully His arms are still open wide.

    This is so unfortunate, so seemingly unfair, and so sad. I can’t imagine how hard it is for you as well. To be pregnant with a healthy baby and see your best friend go through this sorry must be quite a paradox. Don’t forget this: “Fear not, for I AM with you.”

  7. i agree. i hope you are doing ok, carrying your own son, and seeing so much loss on the outside. may God give you strength in this time. and peace to those sweet families. i just don’t understand. there is so much we can’t know! i pray that you are not deprived of your joy or scared of the future, and that they are able to find comfort in the love around them.

  8. He certainly DOES surrender ALL. I’m so grateful to God that you were there to comfort Angie at her time of trouble and anguish. God bless you for that.
    Remember Chapter 11 of John – Jesus Wept.

  9. I have had many many bouts of tears these past few days because of this and I don’t even know this family. Goes to show you we are truly truly all in the Lord’s family, together.

  10. Hi Jessica,

    First of all, good luck with your baby coming! Your shower looked like loads of fun. (I’ve been there before–and think back fondly.)

    Second, thanks for keeping Angie’s blog site updated during her time with little Audrey.

    Third, thanks for posting that awesome song. I love all of Selah’s stuff, but this one epitomizes everything I feel towards our Lord. I want to be a tool in His hands. I give up all my wants (easier said than done), and pray I’ll go where ever He wants me to go….

    Good luck with that baby!


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