1. Love those shadow boxes…too cute!

    Take care of yourself, high blood pressure can be scary!

    Praying for you and Elias (and Matthew too, of course!)

    Would love to fit lunch in soon, if you can get out.

  2. I had pre-eclampsia with my fourth and final baby. I was on bed rest for 6 weeks with 3 kids! That is why Josh is the last!!
    Anyway he came a month early and weighed 8 lbs 1 oz. A month early!! He would have been 12 lbs if I had not gone into labor early. He had some complications afterwards but is now 8 and healty as a horse!
    I will continue to still pray for you and the baby. I think of you often and Angie also. How is she doing? She seems better on her blog but sometimes good friends get a more clearer sense of these things.
    My best friend’s daughter passed 5years ago and I always knew her moods better than anyone else- even her husband. That is why girlfriends are so crucial for women!!
    God Bless
    Love Michele

  3. I’m a follower of your blog – from New Zealand. I wish you the very best for the birth of your precious wee gift.

  4. oh jess!! im SO glad ur keeping us updated on ur blog. I hope Im on that call tree girlie!! I can’t wait! xo Prayers being lifted up for all involved!

  5. Praying for you in that horizontal position – so hard to endure – read books … Narnia is a good way to go… Lots of t.v. I bet! UGH!
    Jesus said, she forgot her pain, because she was delivered a BOY! 🙂 I’m sure all this will pass and you will hold your baby triumphantly.
    God bless and praying for your safe delivery.
    Room looks great! Very imaginative!

  6. Both projects turned out fabulous ……the shadow boxes are just darling with the animals in them. What a great touch for Elias room……mom

  7. matthew showed me the pics of these the other day. so cute… i’m so proud to be your neighbor now. also, i like your blog… 🙂

  8. Hey, Jess–I had preeclampsia with Zach and all went well. Being induced and the meds (magnesium sulphate) are no fun but they will take good care of you if indeed, it has to happen that way. Know yourself well, if you feel different, call in to the doctor. Things can change quickly but it happens in pregnancy more than you know. Hugs to you–take care of yourself. Praying daily.


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