You may have noticed that I have added a subscription feature to my blog. All you have to do is enter in your email address (in the right hand column) and then whenever I update my blog, feedburner will send you an email. Cool, huh?
I’d also like to encourage you to do this for Matthew’s blog. His blog, Jesus Needs New PR, talks about a huge array of topics – from the sometimes crazy things Christians do to life stuff. He is a satire writer, so if you like humor and good, witty writing, you will probably like what he was to say! His first hardback, Churched, comes out October 7. We are so excited about it.
Jessica can you post a link to the girls organization you work with ( I couldn’t remember the name to save my life and came here looking for it). A lady on the scrap etc board was looking for a place to donate scrap stuff. Thanks…Cyndi
I’ll totally go check out his blog! My husband just started blogging so I know he’ll be happy to find another male Christian blogger out there!