1. Jessica,

    Been reading your blog for a while (from Angie’s). I just had to comment on the 24 hour urine test – I have had to do those myself and you have it right…GROSS. Trying explaining it to a very curious 2 year old, who asks if he can have some juice from the big jug…

    Best of luck for a smooth delivery – know that you have been in my prayers (especially since reading about the BP issues) and will be so tonight.

  2. Just a note from a sister in the Lord. I will be praying for and Matthew and of course Elias, your midwife and other team members tonight. Blessings to all of you for a safe delivery.
    Cindy ~ Phoenix

  3. Woo hoo!! Lyla is so excited that “Eli’s coming!!!”

    Please call if we can help with anything. We’ll take care of the screen door – do not even think about it!!

    God bless you – get some rest!

    Rosemary, Wayne and Lyla

  4. I’ve been reading your blog for a while now as well (also from Angie’s). I don’t know either of you but I pray for you often. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your beautiful baby boy.

    Praying for you,

  5. I’m soooo excited can’t wait to hear Eli is here and ready to play…praying for you and Matthew ! love you both mom

  6. so excited for you!! your little miracle will be here so soon. praying everything goes smoothly for you.

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