1. you guys are absolutely without a doubt the cutest little family!! congrats on surviving the first week!! and darn than smoothie king man – what nerve!! hope week two is even better and you get a bit more sleep, snuggles and love!!

  2. Write a letter to the smoothy joint – and to the corporate! I think him touching your belly is so out of line! UGH! Dork!
    Lovely to see you all doing well – peeing is a great thing shows those 24 hour all you can eat boobs are working well for you and he’s getting enuf! Congrats on that!
    God bless and look forward to seeing you again….

  3. Jessica-you look great! It is unbelievable what things morons will say! Give that baby a kiss for me!

  4. Jessica,
    I found your blog from Angie’s. Congrats on the new baby. There’s nothing like it!
    Wanted to share my experience of someone saying the dreaded comment about being pregnant when you’ve just had the baby. I had just had my 4th child and decided to get a new look for a mother of 4. My baby was 6 weeks old, but since she was my 4th c-section, I was still pretty swollen from the surgery. And, since it was my
    4th baby, things just didn’t return to “pre-pregnancy state” as fast as they did w/ the first, second, or even third child. So, I’m getting my hair washed and ready to be cut when another hair stylist in the salon said, “Oh my! You haven’t had your baby YET? When are you due?” Mind you, my baby was at home….6 weeks old. I held it together and politely answered that I had had the baby 6 weeks ago, but it was my 4th baby and 4th c-section so I was swollen, blah, blah, blah. I didn’t cry until I got home upon which I promptly fell apart on the bed telling my sweet hubby, “You said I look great! I don’t look great, I look fat and still pregnant!” He did his best to console me and reassure me that I did look good and that comment was made out of ignorance.
    I have never forgotten how that made me feel. My baby is 5 years now and I still get sad thinking about that day. However, I have learned, as your husband has, there are some questions you just don’t ask. : )
    Congrats again on baby Elias.

  5. I just left a message on your husbands blog… and actually refrained from swearing when describing my displeasure with Smoothie King Man.

    I did want to tell you that I am on prednisone a lot to treat my disease, and getting pudgy is part of the bargain. Every time I’m off them I diet and start to lose, and then I have to go back on them. And I used to be THIN so it’s been a huge adjustment. The straw broke for me one day when someone stopped by my house (I’ve been homebound for awhile) and said, “Oh, on some meds, huh?” It killed me. So I totally feel the sting you felt.

    On the good side, you get an Eli out of the deal… and I think he looks like he’s worth every pound. And just know that for each ignorant person out there talking smack, there a more of us who think you’re wonderful!!!!

    Beautiful family… hope each week continues to get more fun for you.

    Blessings on your day…


  6. NO WAY. That actually happened? Who in their right mind would say that???? I don’t care what someone looks like, that is inappropriate!

    Moving on….you look great, you both seem happy, and Elias is adorable!!

  7. New to your blog – just thought I’d let you know that you guys are hilarious! Thanks for entertaining us, and telling us how it really is. Life after kids is definitly not boring – you’ve foudn that out already!
    Congrats – he’s precious.

  8. Elias is so beautiful! Some people sit on their brains! I would almost bet the Smoothie King man could stand to loose a few himself or even a good facelift (after all someone would have to be pretty ugly to say that to someone's face!)!!!!! The weight will come off especially while nursing. I remember I was starving all the time while nursing, yet loosing weight almost daily! HE is worth every ounce of weight gain…a healthy, happy, precious gift from GOD! You still look like you are glowing, Jess! I guess MOTHERHOOD agrees with you. Enjoy every second of every day, every little whimper….they grow & change so fast…one day you wake up & wonder where did those 24or 20 years go?! Keep up the good work. He looks happy too! Love, Rose in Nashville

  9. Hi Jessica, I just want to encourage you that you do look great, the baby weight does come off, and people do say really inconciderate things. People used to say horrible things to me when I was pregnant and postpartum. They told me how huge I was and gasped when I told them there was only one baby in there. Or they gasped when I told them my due date and it was months away. I have 4 children, and I gained a lot with each one. I mean, I gained between 50-80 pounds each time. I just was hungry and I ate. And I craved things like warm chocolate chip cookies and I ate them. I never understood how some people only gained like 25 or 30 lbs. But do you know what? Every time, I lost it all. Every time. All that weight. It took no longer than 9 months each time. Breastfeeding and working out. The best was with my 1stborn, because I just was concentrating on being a mom, and having her, and etc. that I didn’t even think about working out until she was like 4 months old. Then the rest of the weight came off rather quickly. With my 2nd, it was off by 4 months, but that was because I was sort of obsessed with getting it off. I don’t recommend that, because looking back, I think I missed some of the good, happy stuff by being obsessed with weight loss. With #3, again, I was obsessed, and it was off by 6 months. With #4, I tried to tell myself that I knew it was my last baby, so I had the rest of my life to lose it, and that was the baby I gained 80lbs with, so it took 7 -9 months to lose. I guess I’m trying to say just enjoy the baby, the weight will come off, I have no idea how much you gained but I’m sure it’s not 60, 50, 65, or 80 lbs like me, (in that order) and think of those rude people as stories you will have to tell later…
    Okay, I will tell you, when my 1st was almost 3 weeks old, we went to get a family picture taken, and the lady said “oh, the baby’s so little, and you’re already pregnant again!” Um, what do you say to people who say things like that to you? You just have to take it in with a sense of detatched amusement. Like “really? Did you really just say that to me?” That statement was so wrong on so many levels.
    If you’ve ever heard Jenny McCarthy talk about her pregnancy, it’s SOOO funny. Her book on pregnancy is really funny and relatable, and I’ve heard her say before that she went into the hospital hoping she was going to deliver a 60 pound baby and…he wasn’t. So funny!
    I’m sorry to ramble so much, it’s just such a relatable subject for me, we could bond for hours over this, (not that you’d want to) and so I am just feeling for you, and know that I feel insulted for you by that guy…and you look super pretty in the videos and pictures. And your baby is super cute and wonderful. And everything will get better. Love, Michelle in California

  10. That smoothie guy…tisk tisk…I would want to assume but that is not right of me…that he is more than likely without a wife/gf…if that is not the case…makes me wonder just how many times a day he sticks that foot in his mouth!!

    Anyhow, you look GREAT!!!! And lil Elias is just adorable!!! Congrats to all…being a parent is an absolute amazing journey!!

  11. Jessica~

    You are such a hoot!!!! I LOVE that you tell it like it is……You take everything in stride : ) Praise God that Elias is healthy and that you are getting more sleep…..I still think you get a few extra jewels in your crown for letting Matt go home to sleep/shower while you were at the hospital, and THEN Batman. Sister, I couldn’t have done it (in fact I said no…..in retro spec I wished he would have gone home so one of us was well rested when we went home. We were both so worthless that my mother-in-law came over to watch Abigail for a couple of hours while we slept before the night began all over again.

    I love your spirit!!!!!


  12. Oh wow I laughed so hard at your story that I had to pause the video to compose myself.

    You’re looking fantastic Jessica, really beautiful.

  13. I can’t believe you actually bought the smoothie still! If someone said something like that to me, i would have walked right out without giving them any of my $$!!

  14. I laughed sooooooo hard at your video! Thanks for sharing! I think I even snorted at the “all you can eat buffet” comment! 🙂


  15. You look absolutely gorgeous, Jessica! You don’t look tired at all (I say that because of your previous posts that you write at 4 AM!!!)!

    After I gave birth to our second daughter, a visiting youth group intern came into my husband’s office, picked up my wedding picture and said, “DANG! You were so skinny!!! So do you miss being skinny?”

    *GASP* It still makes me want to cry!

  16. Poor Smoothie King guy! He probably lives for pregnant women coming into his store so he can use his “great” joke. He forgot to take into consideration that someone who just HAD a baby might be craving a smoothie. I think you might have put an end to his little funny. 🙂

    After baby #1 came out, I looked 5 months preggo. After baby #2, about 6ish months. Baby #3? Yeah, I looked 8 months pregnant.

  17. I can’t believe he said that. And he didn’t even apologize after he said it?? That’s crazy! Elias is BEAUTIFUL!! You and Matthew are gonna be awesome parents!! I am so excited for ya’ll!

    Much Love, Dani

  18. Found your blog through Angies. Our little one is 6 months old and I can so relate to all that you are writing about! Thanks for posting and making my day! 🙂

  19. You guys are just the cutest!! Congrats on surviving week one with such positivity! Elias is ADORABLE!
    God bless.

  20. Ok can I go punch that smoothie king guy? Seriously! What a, oh my gosh I don’t even have a name for him. I remember our first week with our now 14 month old, Mackenzie. I remember all of the tears, the engorgement, the up all nights, and you know what? I would do it all over again. Just know that you will get through this!! Mackenzie watched your video with me and kept pointing at the screen saying “baby!” She thinks Elias is cute! Hang in there!!! I remember sleeping in the recliner with Mackenzie just so I wouldn’t chance waking her up. I don’t think I had ever been more comfortable!

  21. I too found your blog through Angie’s! You are such a cutie! Praise God for such a BEAUTIFUL little boy. I just had to share that when dad said in the video that he would have to give up his smoothie (can’t remember what flavor he said) Elias smiled!:) It was pretty cute. Take care!

  22. Wow. I may have jumoed over the counter and performed bodily harm to that man! Especially with “four days after giving birth” hormones, ya know? Your family is beautiful – and I want to reach through and squeeze his little cheeks!

  23. I’m new to your blog, but found you via Angie. Congrats on your new baby! He’s adorable! And you look great by the way, so forget the Smoothie King man. Some people are so rude! Can’t wait to see some of your newest scrapbook pages!

  24. Hey I have been reading your blog for a while, I found it from Angie’s, but I think this is my first comment.

    I am dying laughing, you guys are so wonderful. I hope that I look 1/2 as good as you a week later. Your son is so darling. I can’t wait for more pictures and updates.

  25. I’m just jealous that you actually have a place called “Smoothie King” — we don’t have anything like that up here in Michigan…
    Glad to see you guys are doing well….

  26. You and your hubby are by far the cutest people I have ever come across! Thanks for sharing your first week with us. And oh how I feel you on the smoothie king comment…..and it was my own brother who made a comment! Oh how I cried! Some people just don’t know how to keep their mouths shut.

    You look amazing Jess after having just given birth. Seriously you look fabulous!

  27. That story is unbelievable! Which Smoothie King? We’re boycotting 🙂

    Elias is precious. I’m so excited for your guys!

  28. I had to share this with you guys because of the comments on your Shoney’s all-you-can-eat. I remember with our baby first my husband said, “What used to be there purely for my entertainment has become a wet bar.”

  29. I was in a Perkins bathroom washing my hands when a lady came out of the stall and immediately started telling me how she could make my face look less WIDE with a few of her makeup tricks. WHAT?! I wasn’t putting on makeup. There was no transition from *I just flushed the toilet* to *I’m going to start talking to this stranger about her wide face*. I tried to be polite and headed back to my table. She then exited the restroom and came over to my table to give me her card! That was some nerve she had. And, as you can see, I’m still fuming about it 4 years after it happened! Who SAYS those kinds of things?!

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