1. maybe angie could post something on her very active blog too, encouraging people to vote for you! i think you’re awesome and you have a very FAIR and HONEST chanche at winning this contest. I’m sorry so many people are being harsh and giving you crap on the SW site; I wss absolutely amazed at such immaturity that some people showed. Best of luck to you with the contest and many, many blessings to you and your cute little family (who I follow closely!!)

  2. Hey Jessica- I love your blog and I wanted to delurk to say that I think it is horrible what people are saying on there!!! (I read through the comments) Since when is networking and campaigning to win an election/voting contest cheating!!! Good luck and I hope you win 🙂

  3. Wow! I’m shocked and appalled! It can’t be fun to read all those hurtful comments, so please hang in there and know that it is just a bunch of immature nuts with nothing better to do. Good to know Southwest is defending you and the contest. Don’t let the negativity get to you!

    (I linked to your blog from Angie’s awhile back.)

  4. wow some people can be so childish! I voted for your video because it was great and YOU are great.

    Goodluck with the competition. 🙂

  5. Okay, this is my first time posting and I am totally disgusted at how rude people can be! So disrespectful. Clearly, people need to get a life. Honestly, the fact that they are engaging in back and forth banter just shows how much time they have on their hands and where their priorities are. Ugh! I love your entry and wish you the best of luck!

  6. Those who think that you video is bad are not the only ones making rude comments..”shut up” “suck it up” “take a hike” are hardly, Godly comments..if you are who you say you are,you will ask those in support of you to refrain from rude comments as well…Your witness is a stake here!!

  7. I read all of the comments too…I have a video submitted I’m in the bottom (I’m totally not a threat to you; I’m actually kind of ashamed and embarrassed to have only 40 votes and I wish I could remove my video); anyway I don’t understand all of the hatefulness going on in the comments section of your video. I think you did a good job, and those people are just trying to stir up trouble. They probably don’t even believe the things they type; they just want a reaction, you know?
    Just be proud of the great show of support that you have received! I hope you go on to do great things!

  8. jess…i didn’t know about all the drama until i went back to the website to read some of the comments. i cannot even believe it! what’s with all the personal attacks on you?!? seriously, girl…hang in there. if anyone said those things about me (especially 6 weeks postpartum), there’d be many tears:) don’t worry about what they’re saying…you’re doing a great job! love, sarah

  9. Wow. I can’t believe how crazy all that is. It’s sad how mean people can be when they are hiding in the veil of the Internet.

    SWA (if they have any marketing sense about them, which I’m assuming they do, since they thought up this nifty contest) will realize that you’ve got the connections and the appeal to get them the publicity they’re looking for a blog-o-spondent to bring. Better a simple, honest, fun person with viral traction than a goofy, gimicky person with no network.

  10. Don’t you love it when people think Christians can’t tell people to “take a hike” or “shut up??” Hysterical comments by the way. They are really getting worked up about nothing.
    I noticed one thing…everyone thinks your cute 🙂 No one is arguing otherwise!
    Hope you win…and as a Christian I’d like to say “get a GRiP” to those who are taking this to the extreme. It’s supposed to be FUN ya’ll. LOL

  11. Don’t let them get to you…i glanced over at the site today after voting yesterday and read a few of the comments. they obviously have nothing better to do with them time. not worth you worrying about. we still all love you and will continue to support you!

  12. as a contestant it just kind of hurts of the reason why you are in first place . . . because of your popularity on the internet and not because of the creativity of your video. i’m not trying to be mean, but just honest, and i think that is why so many people are upset. many of us put a lot of effort in our video, and we can tell your video didn’t require a lot of effort. i know you have a TON of supporters, but i’m sure they will agree that you didn’t put in as much effort as the other contestants. i know effort isn’t part of the judging criteria, but it just feels “weird” knowing we are all losing because of your popularity and not because of the quality of your video. i’m sure if your video showed some more effort or creativity there wouldn’t be such a backlash.

  13. Gosh! People are so so hateful!! Even if they don’t like it, who says they have to go on and on about it? No one asked for their opinion!!

    I’m so sorry Jessica. I hate that you are being attacked like this. 🙁

    For the record, I found your blog from Angie’s several months ago and I have loved visiting ever since. I love your upbeat, yet honest attitude (and Huggies suck! LOL) and you always have something interesting to say.

    Again, I’m sorry you’re being attacked, but you have many people here that love you! ((hugs))

  14. This whole thing..is too bad and so sad..it makes you wonder..if you “Jessica” should not come out on the chat site and let people know that you are not behind any of the negative comments being posted..in support of you..I have respect for you..keeping quiet so far..but now YOUR supporters are turning nasty!

  15. Hey Jess,

    Unfortunately, with any contest you will get negative feedback. It’s unfair yes, but the only thing you can do is stand your ground and answer to God. Be proud of yourself. I certainly am proud of you.

    Great job!

  16. I voted for you Jessica!!! You would be perfect for the blogospondent! Loved your video : ) Praying you win!!!

  17. Just for the record – I watched some of the other videos (the highest ranking ones) and just didn’t like them as much. So you got my vote.

  18. What? I’m shocked at those comments. I watched your video. loved it. and voted for you. I hope you win… fair and square.

  19. Jessica~

    I feel compelled to say that I am astonished by the negative comments left regarding your video. I know the world can be a cruel place,it just amazes me that sometimes it is right in our faces. Please, please, please…..do not let Satan get a foothold on you over this……you are an amazing woman with TRUE talent. God has gifted you as a story teller, creative genius, and I will pray that these MEAN statements will cease and that you will be recognized if it is God’s will for you. You have such an upbeat spirit…..keep it going. Praying for you through this.

  20. wow- i just checked your status on the votes. way to go- seriously wanna tell our story? I am sure you could gather all the support we need!

    Hoping you get to go!

  21. As another Jessica pointed out, everyone at least agrees that you’re cute…and, like I told Matthew, “cute” is definitely good marketing. It’s how people describe anything between adorable/hot/sexy, and you know what that does…sells! 🙂

  22. Jess, when I went to vote last evening, I watched the video and noticed the posts and I was shocked at the mean comments made by people that had entered the contest. OMGosh why would Southwest want any of them representing their airline, they could be a liability. I mean suppose someone did something they didn`t like, I can just see them taking their “newly won” video camera and hitting the person in the head with it.
    btw, I am a Christian and I think the whole thing “sucks”.

  23. sweetheart…….just stopped in to see how the voting is going ….there sure are alot of mean people out there but alot more that love you!!! hang in there. love you mom

  24. sweetheart…….just stopped in to see how the voting is going ….there sure are alot of mean people out there but alot more that love you!!! hang in there. love you mom

  25. You got my vote! I love your passion for life, and I think you’d do a terrific job! I’ve been following your blog through Angie’s since you were pregnant with your lil man! I think you are great at expressing yourself and telling a vivid story. Good Luck!!

  26. Just wanted to encourage you and say I thought your video was simple and fun – two things I hear Southwest strives to be. I voted for you!

  27. Hey Jessica!
    Your video was great, you’re someone that we, regular ‘ole folks, would listen to and take advice from, something I hope SWA will acknowledge! You’re sweet enough to make lemonade from all the sour lemons they’re throwing your way! Great job and Good Luck, you got my vote!
    Lyne 🙂

  28. Hi
    I found your site through Angie’s blog. I have watched some of your videos prior to your contest entry with your new baby, and they are really cute and you just look so happy and energetic. I thrive on seeing others happiness and I voted for you!! I thought you were great. 🙂

    Joy L.

  29. Rock on Girl!

    I love your blog!

    And I think you’re husband is funny! I enjoy reading both your blogs.

    Your son is adorable.

    Don’t let anybody get you down.

    Good luck! Jen from Cali

    P.S. Of course, I voted too! 🙂

  30. How fun! jess, I voted for you, no doubt!

    I am a total Southwest Fan myself, and would LOVE to see what you’ve got out there!!!!

    Good LUck!

  31. I went to the site & voted for you.
    Please don't let these crazies get you down. You made a great video.
    They're just jealous. Bottom line.

  32. jessica – i am so glad the person from southwest stepped up and asked for “grown-up” behavior!

    my goodness where is the love?

    didn’t people learn in kindergarten if you don’t have something nice to say keep it to yourself!?

    i wonder if Jesus were right there would this person feel the same to speak such ickyness from their mouth about a child of His?

    you are adorable and i for one love your bubbly personality!

    i hope God paves the way for you to blog for us about southwest!

    hugs and blessings,

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