1. I just got back from a weekend scrap retreat at the most inspirational place (lots of scenery, creative company, fun scrapping toys to share). I got 41 pages done!

  2. i also participated in Ali’s a Week in the Life but also have not been really into putting together the album. Some of my week included a few days of my vacation so that would work out but not sure about the rest. i will have to think on it a bit!

  3. I am enjoying turning one of my all time favorite hobbies into a dream come true! Photography!!! You are oh so creative with all of your work, great job!

  4. I’m taking a big picture scrapbooking class too…but I’m taking the Recipes for Scrapbook Success one with May Flaum. I’m loving it and getting so much inspiration! Only getting time to do 1 layout a week – we’re on week 3 in the class – but that’s actually good for me. Life is busy.

    Thanks for sharing the free class with Jessica Spraugue. I’ve signed up for it too. And I’m loving her website. Good stuff! Also loved your recent scrapbook pages. You are so talented. I’m working on my skills and love the look of your layouts, gives me so many ideas.

  5. I’m actually having a hard time deciding about a Week in the Life album as well… once I put it together for the blog I felt like I was finished. But I think that’s me just chickening out because I know mine won’t look like Ali’s… 🙂

    My creativity? A few canvases 🙂 But I do need to get a move on my scrapbooking…I’ve gotten way behind since I started the blog. I may need to set a few goals for myself and kick myself back into gear…

    And really, Jessica… not ONE photo of Elias could have fit today’s post?!? 🙂 [That was just me channeling your mother…]

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