1. How funny…my experience was the total opposite…. I HATED the medela pads and LOVED the playtex ones!!! 🙂 The medela pads seemed to make too much “noise” when I wore them…I was so self-concious wearing them!! Also, no matter how cheap/frugal you are, do not buy the cheapest, no name pads out there….not worth the savings!

    I finally was able to pack my pump and pads away within the last month…it’s amazing how free you feel once your nursing days are over!! We made it 10 months and now my little one is soley fed frozen pumped milk.

    Anyway, love your blog and your guys!! 🙂

  2. My very first experience with breast pads is when I didn’t have them when I needed them 26 years ago…(I am only two years younger than your mom…) and leaked through my blouse on a very warm day in May when I was defending my undergrad thesis…and had to leave my sweater on…I don’t remember what I used with my “baby” who is now nine…

  3. I used the Milk Diapers reusable brest pads and totally loved them. Once I got that “crazy leaking” under control, they were perfect. I was also too cheap to get disposable when I could just throw these in the wash!

  4. I cant remember what brand I used but I know it was neither of those..hmmm..whatever they were I had to change them ALL the time! I soaked right thru them fast. Of course, I had enough milk with my first child to feed an army! With my 3rd child, LITERALLY-NONE! I dont know what happened! I could NEVER nurse him. Stick with Medela for sure if they work!

  5. I am with some of the other girls on this. HATED the Medela. To bulky and they did make noise. LOVED the Lansinoh. Absorbed everything, but weren’t bulky and stayed put.

    I LOVED this discussion! Very fun!

  6. I loved my flannelette nursing pads. I had about 24 of them and just threw them in the wash with my bras and underwear. They washed up like new, and were super comfortable…never scrunched or lumpy. And I leaked something fierce, so they had to be absorbent. My kids are now 21 and 16, so I don’t even know if they’re still available but you should ask. They’re great!
    Nancy Peacock

  7. Lanisoh!!!!!! But get the regular ones if you need “more coverage” instead of the soft/cushy–whatever it is called. I would DEFINITELY recommend these. I began leaking at 20 weeks and used them until I stopped nursing at 13ish months old. ALWAYS keep a set or two in your bag!!

  8. I hated all the disposables and ended up loving the washables. I don’t remember what brand I had, but they were awesome.

  9. My favorite are the re-useable Lilly Padz. They are pricey ($20), but totally worth it. Here is the link… http://www.lilypadz.com/index1.html. I found them at Mimi Maternity and Burlington Coat Factory. Since they are made out of a flexible plastic (silicon perhaps), they stick on, don’t move, 100 % comfortable and are completely unnoticeable.

  10. I loved the medela pads!!! I also tried another brand and it too bunched up. I did have 4 reusable pads that I liked but they never said in place as well as the Medela disposable pads did.

    I regret having given up on breast feeding so soon. Next time I WILL have a lactation consultant lined up to help. I bf for a few weekend then fed my daughter what I pumped for 2 months and had another month supply frozen. She had a lot of trouble with formula but I couldn’t keep up with the schedule any longer.

    Love your blog!! Your lil man is so darn cute!!

  11. I loved the lansinosh breast pads,I buy them at target, you cant seem them through clothing, they dont move around and they have diaper like material in them so when they get wet the get bigger, and so you always are certain when you need a new one and dont waste the dry one:)

  12. I did not like the medela or the gerber or the playtex. I finally tried the Lansinoh ones and absolutely loved them. They are the only ones I would recommend. They also make extra soft ones for at the beginning when things are still very sore.
    I’m still nursing my 21 month old and no longer need to use nursing pads, which is so nice!

  13. The Lansinoh ones were my favorite as well! Looks like you better give them a try…you might even love them more than the medela ones!

  14. This post brings back all my nursing memories – so funny! I’d forgotten how many Medela pads I went through each week. I loved them for the same reason you loved them – seemless. Good post!

  15. I prefer the “double-up” approach. The washable ones close to your skin and the disposable ones on the outside (of the other). Got to love the “problem” of making just a bit too much milk 🙂

    And yes … as the mom of 2 boys (almost 1 and 2.5) … I’m super glad the nursing days are behind me! Loved it – at the time – but it’s WAY freeing to be done 🙂

  16. I am a nursing mommy and my little girl is just about one year old. Anyway, I found that when my little one was smaller I preferred the Lansinoh pads because they were very thin, but held quite well. Gerber and Playtex SUCKED! As my baby got older and I produced less, I have found that the Lansinoh reusable ones work quite well and have saved me some money.

    By the way, if Elias isn’t spoken for, can my daughter marry him when they are all grown up? He is just so cute. Her name is Aliya, and you can check out her picture at rachelmercado.blogspot.com 🙂 Seriously though, you have a gorgeous little son!


  17. My favorite were the Johnson & Johnson, but I could only find them at CVS! They were very comfy, not noticeable and super absorbent. Loved them! I also tried the reusable lily pads, but didn't use them on a regular basis.

  18. I liked the washable ones, I have no idea what brand I used though. I had 6 or so. Also I didn’t wear a nursing bra out because I apparently got in the boobie line more than once and I could have fed an entire nursery with what I produced. I found using my regular bra that held the girls up kept me from leaking much. Personally, I never nursed in public — my kids had pumped milk or formula when we were out and about. I have no issues with Mommy’s nursing in public, it just wasn’t for me.

  19. I’ve tried all the rest but love Johnson and Johnson. Apparently, everyone else around here does, too, because they’re often out of stock, so when my store does have them, I buy several boxes. They’re shaped nicely so they don’t show through my clothes.

    Help! I can’t figure out how moms get a freezer full of breast milk. My baby is 3 months and I started pumping as soon as she was born. I only work part time, but I’ve already depleted my store that was in my freezer. I’m always shocked to hear that women have like 50 bags by the time their babe is 6 weeks. I’ve even tried setting my alarm in the middle of the night to pump.

    Anyway, glad to hear some women like re-usable pads. Good for the environment! I haven’t been able to find them in local stores, so I guess I should go online.

  20. LOVE Lansinoh disposables. Completely discreet, very absorbent. Medela disposables are too noisy (and pointy). I also like to layer a cotton reusable under the disposable for softness and comfort.

    Now that my baby is almost 1, I only need one reusable when actually nursing – only on the second side which has to wait its turn.

  21. No opinion to offer- but wanted to let you know that I love your “love it, leave it” post. I am 30 weeks pregnant and you are providing me with wonderful info through your opinions and others. THANK YOU!!! Hope you and your guys have a wonderful week!

  22. I had cloth re-usable ones that I LOVED! I was TERRIFIED to wear any disposable ones after being at the mall one day with disposable ones on and seeing one of them FALL OUT of my shirt onto the floor!!!! UGH!!! It was horrible!

    ~ Tami

  23. Love Dr. Brown’s — hate Lansinoh, because they’re stiff, crinkly and show thru clothes. They make my skin a little itchy too — I’m trying to use up the box of those, so I’m just wearing them at night and wearing the Dr. Brown’s during the day.
    I’ll definitely have to try the medela ones though.
    I too got Playtex ones on clearance, and I actually didn’t mind them.
    Isn’t it funny how different everyone’s preferences are?:)

  24. i loved the gerber reusable pads. i used them when i nursed both my boys. they were wonderful and super easy to clean.

    i’ve been following your blog for awhile but this is my first comment. why i chose this topic to comment on first i’m not sure, lol!

    your little guy is adorable and you both seem like wonderful parents!!!

  25. I don’t use them too much, but the few times I have, I have used the medela and gerber…hands down medela wins. Also I have the washable kind that I got at a breast feeding support class. They are okay. Fortunately, I don’t have leakage.

  26. I just saw this post and thought I would weigh in. I LOVE the Lansinoh disposable ones as well. They hold lots if you tend to leak and they take away the wet feeling from your skin. The Medela I felt like held the wetness right on me…ugh I just didn’t like it. I only have a couple more months to go myself before my little one will be on whole milk. Saw you at Angie’s bible study by the way. That is where I came from. Just now getting around to checking you out!! =)

  27. I use to leak so much I had to put a hand towel in my bra. I had a set just for me. I threw them in the wash and I was good to go. Talk about going “green”. Bulky yes but it did the trick.

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