1. OH MY!!! How Cute!! I just love those pictures!! He looked like he loved his lil costume! 🙂 Jessica, He is just simply adorable!
    Love ya, Dani

  2. I CAN’T STAND IT he’s so cute! And I love that your mom looks like she’s having just as much fun as you.

    You do realize that if you open the door to trick or treaters with him in that costume every parent is going to forget to help their kid with the candy and just oooh and aaah over the boy.

    Or, at least that’s what I’d do. 🙂

  3. thought you’d like this mini advertisement for your hubby!
    This is my friend Jill, she was my son’s teacher last year, but also an old friend from our old church. 🙂

    http://jillbotham.blogspot.com/2008/10/clutter.html 🙂

    hope you are well…HOLY cow, that baby is the cutest ever. I love love love the peas…some how a Boy dressed up as Elliot from E.T…isn’t nearly as precious! 🙂

  4. awww sissy he looks sooo adorable…i sure love him…that’s a really cute pic of mom and him i’m glad she was a good girl love and miss you guys

  5. Only one word can describe these….”PRECIOUS”!!!! How cute and what a sweet boy! Some day though, I can just hear him ask “what were you thinking Mom….geeezzzzz??!!!” But tell him that he was too cute and it was halloween after all. Blessings!!

  6. Cute! Cute! Cute!
    I can’t wait for you guys to come for a visit!!!!!
    Debbie, I know you are cherishing every minute of your time with Jessica, Elias and Matthew. Jess, I know you are enjoying the time spent with your mom!!!! Can’t wait to hear all about your visit when you get back.
    Love you guys!
    Aunt Gail

  7. He DEFINITELY is a Sweet Pea !

    I can't get over how cute he is & how smiley he is in all the pictures you post. It's as if he knows just how to "work the camera".
    How does he do that at such an early age ? 🙂 It is so obvious that he is a happy baby….loved & secure.
    You & Matthew are doing great as new parents.

    Have a good week coming up !

  8. Jessica – it’s been said before, but I can’t help but repeat it – he is soooo cute, and the sweet pea costume is adorable. Glad that your mom is enjoying some time with the both of you. Miss you and can’t wait to see you all. Love, Aunt Sandy

  9. Your son is one of the cutest babies I’ve ever seen! I showed these pictures to my husband and told him when we have a baby (*hopefully* a long ways off..we’ve only been married 3 months!) I want a cute peapod costume for him or her! 🙂

  10. I am one if the anonymous posters
    (as I don’t have a blog yet) of your previous pumpkin pictures.
    I wasn’t so fond of the first ones
    (with baby in the pumpkin) BUT must say with these you have uncovered the Anne Geddes cuteness you were looking for!
    Too cute!
    You did good!
    I don’t think other bloggers will critique you as they want you to check out there blogs….but in love, don’t put up photos with his eyes closed. You have enough cute ones with the eyes open.

  11. well, matthew was right… he’s the cutest thing going in the vegetable aisle this year! I can’t believe how big he’s gotten just since I started following matthew’s blog.. You are definitely doing something right!

  12. Anonymous – I like the ones with his eyes closed. You sure are picky about other people’s pictures.

  13. btw…for being so critical anonymous…maybe you should know it’s spelled “their” not ” there”…just sayin…
    (I thought the closed eyes ones were cute too)

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