1. i think he is cute cute cute!! i got your husband’s book a week or so ago because of your blog. i told him that he should thank you. i just finished a book last night so his is up this weekend. i will let you know what i think…

  2. Have you tried putting socks on him? I had to do this with my youngest. I’d tuck the sock under the arm of her sleeper at night.

    Love your blog!

  3. hi i just ran across your blog from angie’s blog…

    and i have a 6 month old little boy, and i just have to make sure that he doesnt have any pointy places on his nails, usually on the sides. and i do cut his nails pretty much every day or they do get too long!

    hope that help, Pascha

  4. Have you seen the sleepers with the cuffs on them that pull over their hands? (for example: the kimono shirts that babies are put in at the hospital have the cuffs) Those work great.

    Elias is a little cutie! He just gets cuter and cuter!

  5. I’m thinking he’s my Lucky Charm. Because that boy is magically delicious. 😉

    My friend Susie’s little boy scratched at the back of his neck a lot when he slept and they eventually figured out it was a problem with his ears… he needed tubes and had his adnoids out. Which makes me think E. is scratching because of his stuffiness. Poor little bug. I think I’d try the socks to prevent the scratches since you’re already doing everything you can for the stuffiness.

    And then give him kisses from me. Thanks. 🙂

  6. I wonder if his face might be a little dry since his scalp is. Have you tried putting lotion on his face? We actually use Vaseline on our daughters face to help the dryness that she gets on it.

  7. For the dry scalp, also sometimes cradle cap… I put baby oil on Jorja’s head in the bath and take a baby brush (really soft) and it comes out and then I wash her hair to get it all out. Have your husband go to YouTube and watch funny video’s … my littlest loves to do that with daddy… especially the animal ones.

  8. My daughter still scratches at her face in her sleep and we, too, use Vaseline on her face at night. Just enough for the nails to “slip” on the face but not enough to ruin her sheets 🙂 It has helped alot and seems to soothe the small cuts she does manage to make.


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