So Instead of Working on Cards… and a Giveaway!
Last night I had the best of intentions of working on cards. I made beef stew in the crock pot, so I could come home from work, eat and get to work. Well… I received a package this week from Xyron. In it were products from Sassafras Lass and Little Yellow Bicycle (part of Deja Views). Oh my word. Such cute stuff. The product won. I scrapbooked instead. lol. Here’s what I made.
I used my 4″ Xyron cheetah on all the pages. This made them so fast to put together. One or two quick rolls of the cheetah and bam! all done. Much faster than a glue stick. This is one of those great items to buy with a 40% off coupon at JoAnns or Michaels.
I know you are thrilled to see Halloween pictures a week before Christmas, but whatever. 🙂 With the exception of a few minor components, all products are Sassafras Lass.
These pictures were taken of my mom holding Elias when he was just five weeks old. The paper and embellishments are all part of LYB’s Love Letters collection. What makes this stuff especially beautiful is that it is flocked with velvet – amazing to touch. I think I am going to make a mini album or something tactile with the other products I received so people can feel it.
Switching gears – I want to let you know about a few ways that you can keep up to date with me, this blog, etc. I have big plans for this blog in 2009 and I want to be sure you are a part of it. All these items are in the right hand column.
Follow this blog – If you have a blogger account, which I know many of you do, click on “follow this blog” on the right hand column. My blog link will then be listed in your profile and when you sign in to blogger there is a section that shows you when blogs you follow have been updated. Cool and easy.
Sign Up for Blog Updates – You can enter your email address in the box on the right and my posts will be emailed to you once a day.
Subscribe – If you use a reader, add my RSS feed to your reader.
Add my button – Sweet Danielle made a button for my blog! I’d be honored if you would add it to your blog. Then, you just have to click on it and you will be brought right here. If you have the baby scrapbooking button on your blog now, you could replace it with this.

I have “followed this blog”. I love the page w/ your mother. It has a Christmas feel that i could use this year.
Hi Jessica,
Just signed up for email updates. I do not have a blog of my own. Love your creativity.
Since I was told about your giveaway, I have followed you blog! I love it! Thanks!
I also signed up for your blog posts through email! I figured just in case I can’t check my blog page! Iam going to check on the Xyron too!
Im subscribed in google reader! Cant wait to see what fun stuff you have planned
I am now a follower of your amazing blog! Love those cute Halloween pages!
I have “followed the blog”. 🙂
Hi… I follow you in google reader! =)
I have you on my google reader and just added your button/icon thingamabobber to my blog! Can’t wait ot see what you bring to your blog in 2009!
BTW, how stinkin cute is your little one in the pumpkin! Just absolutely adorable! Love the pictures!
I do follow your blog and I replaced the baby scrapbooking button with your new one! Hope I win something 🙂
I subscribed for email updates!
These are absolutely gorgeous layouts!! Thanks for sharing!!
Just wanted to let you know that I have been “Following” your blog for some time now. I love all of your scrapbooking tips. And Elias is so cute.
Jess- I’ve been following your blog via my reader- I love it.
Hope you guys have a great Christmas. 🙂
changed my best in baby scrapbooking button to your blog button. so cute buttons! love the blog!
changed my best in baby scrapbooking button to your blog button. so cute buttons! love the blog!
I am “following this blog”
having fun following your bolg!
I started “following” this blog last week. I just signed up for the email updates. Thanks!
I am signed up in google reader-Love the pumpkin pics.
Hi! I’m officially following!
Jessica is a great name. That is the name of one of my Granddaughters. I have added your new button to my blog and removed the other button. Thanks for sharing your creations.
I am following your blog!
Of course I have been for awhile now, long before this contest 🙂
I “follow” your blog
Hey Jess!! I have been following your blog for quite some time…with “Blogs I Follow.”
Love seeing new pics. of Elias and you and the rest of your family!
Jess 🙂
Love your blog and love looking at all your scrapbooking.
I added your button to my page. It’s all the way down at the bottom b/c for some reason, when I try to put it to the side of my posts it cuts some of your button off.:)
I’m a follower!! 🙂
tbmroberts at yahoo dot com
I follow this blog…
Just call me a follower!
Hi, I am subscribed to you through Google Reader! 🙂
Hi, Just added to follow your blog. Happy Holidays.
I have subscribed to your feed! Looking forward to following you this next year!
I have subscribed to your blog on Bloglines. I’ve been enjoying it, and since I have a little boy myself, I’m always interested in how other moms scrap about their sons. Thanks for the inspiration!
I added your button to my blog. I also follow your blog using a blog reader from google. 🙂 Thanks for all the creative inspiration. I don’t know how you do it with a little one. You are amazing.
just updated your button to the new one in this post on my blog! it’s too cute!
i also subscribe to your blog via bloglines:)
i just added you to blogs i follow, which is linked on the sidebar at my blog… can you tell i’m excited about this giveaway? haha.
Wish I had a blog to do all the stuff your asking to do…unfortunately I don’t!! Thanks!! i am going to sign up for email updates, though!
thanks again for a great giveaway!!
I subscribe with google reader!
I’m a follower of this blog.
I’m a follower!!! Love your blog!
Love the scrapbooking! x.
More great layouts! I haven’t had a chance to do a page in weeks and you sit down in one night and make three. I need that kind of efficiency and cute designs! I’m signed up to receive your blog updates by e-mail.
I also just switched the Best in Baby Scrapbooking button to your blog button on my blog. I’m excited for what you have in store for 2009!
I am now following your blog!
I am now going to receive blog updates!
I’ve already subscribed in google reader!
love reading your blog! 🙂
I am following you!!
Jus thave to say that I LOVE those LOs!
And I buttoned up here:
AND I added you to my reader 🙂
I’m so glad you mentioned the Xyron Cheetah. I wanted one for Christmas, but told my husband it was the Xyron Cougar…got my wild animals mixed up! HA! I already follow your blog…
…and I added your button today too!
I love your button! I already had you listed as a blog that I follow but I just had to add the button too!
I am a follower!
I added your button to my blog too!
I added your new button to my blog.
I subscribed on feedburner.
And I clicked on to follow your blog…I am totally hooked up to the Jessica Turner blog now!
I found you just last week and have subscribed to your blog because I was so impressed with your Best of Baby Scrapbooking. Really looking forward to seeing what you treat us to in 2009!
Hi Jessica!
I have been a long time follower of your blog since your adorable Elias was born. You are always so inspiring with your adorable yet simple scrapbooking pages. I love them and I am hoping to get back to scrapbooking during the holidays. I “follow your blog” and I have your adorable button on my blog. Thanks for sharing your ideas and those adorable baby pictures with us. May God bless your beautiful family during the holidays!
I follow your blog through my blogger account! Although I don’t have a blog myself, I’m enjoying keeping up w/ yours and others’ blogs daily. Thanks for sharing your creativity – and those precious photos of your dear Elias too. (My own kids are 6yo and 9yo…gotta get that cute baby fix somehow! 😉
well i am a follower
and i just put your button my blog or replaced the other one with your new one. super cute!
I ordered the pages from Aimee J and got the e-mail that they were shipped! I can’t wait to get them!!! just wanted to share!
Love your blog, your ideas and check with you all the time. your new button is so nice!Have you saved in my favorites but posted a link on my blog!
I already have the button on my blog. I am now a follower. I’m glad you did this post. I was wondering how the follower thing works.
I was looking at the Cheetah thing… how long does a refill cartridge last you?
Also, your “Big plans for next year” has me intrigued!
I have already followed your blog.
Hi Jessica,
I added your new buttom to my blog.
I have followed your blog for some time now. And will continue to do so through the New Year. Happy Holidays.
I’ve siged up for the updates..
I subscribed to RSS post..
I’m following your blog..I’m loving this blog..I’m gratful to have stumbled upon it..
Love,Peace and Merry Christmas..
I also have you on my
I don’t think I’ll ever lose your blog..giggles
Hey Jessica,
I love your blog! I’ve been reading for a while, but now I’m a follower! Looking forward to more posts!
P.S. Elias is sooo adorable! =)
I also put your button on my blog–That picture of you guys is pretty cute! =)
I just signed up to follow your blog in blogger…. =)
I’m a “follower”! Thanks!!
Hi Jessica:
I signed up for blog updates. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
I just replaced the baby button with your new button. Thanks for the fun inspiration.
I’m a new follower via blogger–and I love your scrapbooking style! Makes me feel motivated!
Hey Jessica, just wanted you to know that I added your blog to my Google Reader. Thanks so much for your creativity!
I couldn’t find the follow button? But I do have you on my blogroll and I have it set up to update when you make a post so I’m “following” you that way 🙂 And on twitter also! You are such a creative lady! Inspiring for sure!
Hi! I just signed up to follow you!
And I just signed up to receive email updates. 🙂
And I added your button to my blog:
Hi Jessica, I have your button on my blog.
I also signed up to follow your blog.
I signed up to recieve e-mails
Cadillac, mi
I also signed on for email updates. Checked out your blog for info on BH baby kit and put you in my aol favorites!
I also added your button to my blog!
I’ve added your button to my blog!!
signed up for blog updates!
Happy Holidays! I love your layouts. The Halloween pictures of Elias are too cute! The layout with the picture of your mom and your son are precious. Please enter me in your delightful giveaway drawing. I appreciate it! Thanks, Cindi
I am subscribed to your feed via my Yahoo Reader Page. Thanks for the chance to win a fantastic prize. Cindi
I replaced the old button with the adorable new button!
WA state
I have been following you for a while and just added an update on My Yahoo.
You’re amazing girl! How do you find the time to do all this?
WA state
Hi Jessica,
I have been following your blog for about 6 months and LOVE it. Your a wonderful young mother that brings lots of neat ideas to this mother of 5.
Lots of love your way!
De Anne B.
Hi Jessica,
Me again, I also get the email updates.
De Anne B.
I’m a subscriber
I follow your blog, and LOVE it!
I SO need to start scrapbooking! 🙂
You’re very inspirational! Thanks for the wonderful posts.
Kelly Gretschmann
I have really enjoyed reading your blog this month!
I subscribed today to your blog and updates.
Again thanks for taking the time to share your passion with scrapbooking and love of your son with all of us!!
Merry Christmas,
I am a follower!!
I love the simplicity of your beautiful layouts.
I am a follower of this blog!! Thanks for the chance to enter.
I am a new follower of your blog! I’ve been following since Elias was born. He’s adorable!