1. Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family. Thank you for allowing us to peek into your life and watch the cutest kid ever to grow up..you have to get him into commercials..he is so cute. Have a safe trip and and wonderful New Year..blessings Susan

  2. They are so adorable!! I’m sure you guys are having a blast!! I was going to just Direct Message you on Twitter…but it wouldn’t let me, since we both have to be following each other!!

    Merry Christmas Eve and lots of love!
    Jess 🙂

  3. Totally adorable! These 2 pics, plus the Xmas pic w/ E in his Santa hat from last year. Merry Christmas to you also! Blessings to your family.

  4. merry christmas turners! i got your card today! i think elias is just the cutest happiest little thing!! i can’t wait to kiss those cheeks!!

  5. Oh, my goodness! Your son is so cute you need to have a dozen more! Absoltely adorable picture! How fun to have a cousin fairly close in age!

  6. Elias is quite possibly the most beautiful baby I have ever seen!! Just found your blog thru Angie’s blog and had to comment on that precious baby.

  7. His smile is so adorable in that first picture…and he looks mesmerized by the Christmas tree in the second. Don’t you just love how kids infuse the season with such magic and wonder?

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