1. I was checking your blog every 15 mintues (and Angie’s) when Elias was born, I cant believe he can already sit. It seems like yesterday! This opens up a whole new world!!

  2. Love it, Jess!! I’m so glad you were able to take some pics. of him today…outside!! Wow! He is just growing up so fast! Don’t you wish you could sometimes just freeze them, at certain stages, for a little bit?!?! 🙂

    Thanks again for sharing!

    Jess 🙂

  3. Hi Jessica,
    Your blog is really nice. I scrapbook, but not as great as you do! Your layouts are beautiful, and so is your baby. 🙂

  4. OMG…Nana is soooo excited…just a few more weeks and I can kiss that sweet little guys!!!!love you honey…can’t wait to share in your world …mom

  5. Yay for him! He is so cute, you should be very proud! My guy is just starting to sit up on his own too, so we have something in common! How old is he?

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