1. The photos were wonderful. I love the ones in the bathtub and on the changing table. Look forward to seeing more photos.

  2. Jessica,
    I so enjoy reading your blog but have been disappointed with the amount of “advertising” and “referrals” you are doing in the past few months. Seems like you are more interested in getting your referral swagbucks, our votes to get your Southwest gig, or whatever. I really enjoy just hearing about your day, your family (cutest little boy ever!), your friends, ideas for scrabooking, etc. without feeling like you are recommending something just for you to get a deal. Sorry if this isn’t your intention, but it does feel like that. Maybe it is just time for me to move on and spend my time on someone else’s blog that doesn’t include so much marketing. Have a good weekend.

  3. quite frankly, if that post had been a conversation, i wouldn’t have heard a word. that kid got ROBBED.

    gap is not top of my list anymore.


  4. Hi,
    I’ve read your blog for awhile (we have babies almost exactly the same age, 2 days apart maybe?). Anyway, the Canon 50mm f/1.4 lens *is* a great lens, from what I’ve read. However, did you know you can get the Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens for about $80? I mean, you can *buy* it for that. It doesn’t open quite as wide as the 1.4, and I’ve heard it’s not *quite* as good of quality, but for the price… I have the 1.8, and it really is a nice little lens! Mine focuses well and is generally sharp. I too love taking pics in natural light with no flash. BTW, I enjoyed the photos you shared! Have fun with your shoots this weekend! 😉 Just wanted to let you know abt the 1.8 lens if you hadn’t heard of it already. 🙂

  5. Oh, I see the above commenter mentioned the same f/1.8 lens. If you’d like to see some pics taken with it, I have some posted on my blog, on the Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 entries.

  6. Those pictures are amazing..and I like all the referrals that you give..please don’t stop, in this economy we need all the help we can get to make our $$ go farther..you go girl..

  7. I was going to let you know about the canon 50mm 1.8 lens as well, but it looks like I was beat to the punch. I have the lens and think it was the best $89 I’ve ever spent. I, like you, haven’t found a way to fit the 1.4 into my budget, but after getting the 1.8, I wouldn’t change it. You might give it a try. It seems to me like you like portraits that are pretty close up, so I think you will like the 50mm. Because you are putting it on a rebel, it does have a magnification factor which makes it more like a 75mm which is a bit “close” for some situations, but for everyday pictures of Elias, I think it will serve you well.
    I have several lenses myself, but here are a few links that have photos that came only from the 1.8 lens.

  8. Alyson – thank you for your comment. As my blog has grown, I have had opportunities to share products with my readers. I only share about things that I really believe in/use and am very selective with what I write about. I just got home from a great blog conference and know that there are certainly other blogs out there that don’t talk products.

  9. Elias has the most amazing and bold eyes. The lens certainly shows them off. I hope you’re having a fun weekend =] xxx.

  10. just another plug for the canon 1.8- it’s an amazing lens for everyday use and i never take it off my rebel… i’ve had fantastic results with it!

  11. oh my goodness – what great pictures! 🙂 I just stumbled onto your blog and love it! I’m looking forward to reading more –
    oh ps – I have almost the exact same pictures of my little girl in the same bathtub! haha 🙂 love it!

  12. Aww.. your little boy is adorable! Great pictures! I have twins that are 7 months old and like to pose for the camera too!

    Look forward to reading more of your blog and seeing more photos of your little one!

  13. Wow, what a great place! I’ve never heard of them before but I’d definitely like to try it. I would really like a new lens for my Rebel but dh thinks I won’t like it or use it. This would be perfect to try out a lens inexpensively.

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