1. Jessica, I am such a huge fan of your blog! Today when I saw your post on “A Simple Way to Help a Baby” and saw that it was all about SMA, I was really surprised. My cousin had a baby a year and a half ago who was diagnosed with SMA. She is fighting to stay alive, but sadly losing the battle. They have almost lost her several times. Anyway, I just found out I am pregnant (so very excited) and I am terribly nervous about SMA (through genetic testing, my cousin found out it most definitely runs in our side of the family). I mentioned it to my doctor who is going to set me up with a genetic counselor. Anyway, thank you so much for sharing the information with people about SMA! And here’s to your healthy, adorable Elias.

  2. I just signed. I will keep sweet Gwendolyn and her family in my prayers. Thank you for letting us know about this little one’s struggle.

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