1. Hi Jessica,I having been reading ‘The Shack” on my third go of it..God gives me something new every time..Also,I read Debbie Macomber(74 Seaside Ave)She has alot of good reads out there.Have a blessed day.

  2. In my just for fun pile I finally finished reading “Marley and Me”, a wonderful book. In my parenting pile I am currently reading “Scream Free Parenting” and “1-2-3 Magic.” So far they are making perfect sense and teaching me things about being a parent I never knew.

  3. I’m reading KISS by Ted Dekker (a very easy good read), The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson (an awesome guide to for Christian mothers)and Churched (which is wonderfully funny and insightful – as I’m sure you know:).
    I’ve read the 1st three in the Twilight series and really enjoyed them, now I’ve just gotta get my hands on that 4th one. Have a great day!!

  4. I’m so glad you are enjoying Twilight…I thought they were so addicting…I ready them all in about a week!

    Right now I am re-reading ‘The Time Traveler’s Wife” which is one of my favorites. If you haven’t read it you should check it out!

  5. Twilight series is awesome! Glad you got bit! 🙂

    I am reading three books (eek!). I am reading “A Girlfriend’s Guide to Toddlers” by Vicki Iovine (SO funny!), “I’ll hold you in Heaven” by Jack Hayford (a book for those who have lost a baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth, etc), and I am doing the Beth Moore study “Breaking Free” It is just a workbook, but it requires a lot of Bible reading (amen for that), so I think it counts!

  6. I’ve read the first two Twilight’s and plan to read the next two in the coming weeks. I wasn’t even going to comment until I read the person above me recommend “The Time Traveler’s Wife”…a FABULOUS book. Highly recommend! My 15 month old daughter is named after the main character! :0)

  7. Love Twilight! I finished it in record time for me over the holidays. Needless to say that we were traveling and since my little one was 6 months at the time and a great traveler, I was able to read in the car. Not so much at home. I have been trying to read New Moon for weeks now.

  8. i knew you would love the Twilight series. I am reading Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult. I love her books for the easy read and pure entertainment value.

  9. OMG. I’m so glad you’re reading Twilight! Nothing has ever turned me into a giggling teenage girl again like those books.

    My only problem is I have no idea what to do with my time now that I’m finished reading them. Read them again???

  10. I am reading ‘Playing for Pizza’ and browsing ‘The Petit Appetit Cookbook’ which is a homemade baby food cookbook that is supposed to be quite good. My SIL says that their homemade graham cracker recipe is delicious.

  11. Our ‘mommy group’ is reading ‘For Women Only’ by Shaunti Feldhahn. It’s about ‘what you need to know about the inner lives of men’…basically, an understanding men book. As I’ve been reading…I’ll ask my husband if what I read is really true, etc and he’ll answer yes agreeing with the book. It’s interesting, and kind of gives an explanation for why men are the way they are. It’s an easy, fun read.

  12. I’m just starting the Left Behind series…but as an MBA student, I have little time to read anything but textbooks! I’m looking for a few good parenting books – something on not yelling (yep, I’m a yeller..ugh) and something with ideas to get my kids to listen…i swear my daughter’s perfectly normal hearing tests are wrong because she does not hear me! (Hence, the yelling…)

  13. Peacemaking Women, awsome and amazing…lots of highlighting there! and for our book club (I didn’t choose) Confessions of a Shopoholic…although very funny at times, I find her to be quite annoying…would’ve loved her when I was 16 however.

  14. I loved the Twilight series but thought the film was awful!

    I am reading Messages my Mother Sent me by Marian Coombson. It is truly touching about a mother who had terminal cancer and has left messages and signs for her daughter to through life from. It is a bit like PS I Love you – just with more tears! xxx.

  15. I just recently finished reading Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. It’s a great read!! Our church is doing a series on the down and out and suggested the congregation read it. In fact, they even gave away 750 copies to families in attendance that Sunday.

    It’s a beautiful story of two unlikely men that were brought together by God through the help of Ron’s wife, Deborah.

    I have such compassion for people, and it’s a great reminder that we’re all children of God.

    AND they’re making a movie of the book. Dever Moore will be played by Samuel L. Jackson. I love to read books that are good enough to be made into movies!

    If you have time to read it, I’d love to know what you thought!

  16. I LOVED the Twilight series… so funny I’m hearing a lot of people who just started it. Peer pressure finally getting to people, I guess 🙂

    I just finished “Scarpetta” by Patricia Cornwell. I love her series about Kay Scarpetta… I’m a forensic/crime junkie. The first book in the series wasn’t great, but after that she finds her rhythm and is a great read.

  17. You know I totally made fun of them in the beginning, I was like ewwww I don’t like vampires…whatever….I was soooooooooo hooked on them! I read the entire series in 6 days! I couldn’t stop! hehe!
    Have a fabulous Fat Tuesday!
    PS: Debbie Macomber is great! I love her stuff too!
    PSS::::::: The Twilight movie comes out in about 2 weeks! hehe!

  18. I’m listening to “The Memory Keepers Daughter” in the car and Reading “Sundays at Tiffany’s”. My new years resolution is to read more this year. So far 3 books read and 3 books heard.

  19. I had to read the Twilight series, too. I teach 8th grade and my girls (and my fellow teachers) just wouldn’t leave me alone about it! I really liked the first book, but after that, I just felt like I was trudging through. The worst part of the whole series to me was the last book where Jacob talked all the time. But the end is great!

    By the way, I live in Nashville, too!

  20. Another Twilight fan…YAY! I think I read all 4 in a span of 2 months I was so addicted! I read them so fast that I have now re-read number 1 and 2 and would be reading number 3 except that I loaned it to a friend! Right now, I’m reading Prince Caspian by CS Lewis…never went past the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when I was younger…


  21. I’m reading the series too!! I am waiting for my friend to give me Breaking Dawn tomorrow. I’m surrounded by Edward fans, but I think I prefer Jacob 😉

  22. I read “Sundays at Tiffanys” last month and jsut finished “The Shack” which I may have to read again. It is THAT amazing!!!!!

  23. Ugh! Twilight! My friend just sent me books 1 and 2 in the mail because she was so appalled that I hadn’t read them yet! I’m looking forward to a good and entertaining read since spring is not coming nearly fast enough and I’m about to throw the TV out the window! I’m going crazy! 🙂
    Glad to hear, yet again, another good review on the Twilight series.

  24. “The Lucky One” by Nicholas Sparks is great!! I can’t wait for Holden’s naptime each day so I can read more. I have thought about reading the Twilight series but just don’t know if I’d be into the whole vampire thing. I haven’t heard of anyone who didn’t like it yet, so maybe I’ll have to cave this summer. =o)

  25. Can I just tell you that I am TWILIGHT obsessed!!! I’ve read the books twice and then even downloaded them to my IPOD and listened to them at work. Then when the movie came out, I found myself going back again and again with friends, my oldest daughter and even myself until I realized I’d gone 15 times!! (gasp! think of the money I wasted!!) I bookmarked all of the blogs and zoned in on any little detail that I could find!! (Did you know Stephanie Meyer’s websight has hundreds of pages of excerpts from all the books and even the first 246 pages of the unpublished Midnight Sun!!)

    I’m only just now starting to come out of the “Twilight” fog, but I still get a thrill knowing that the two disc DVD that I have pre-ordered, will arrive in less than 3weeks!!

    I feel like a teenager, and it’s a bit shameful, but it’s easier knowing that I’m not the only one who feel in love with the books!

  26. Just a question:
    Why would a christian read a book about vampires? Granted I have not read the book or seen the movie, but it makes me wonder why would I being a christian read this book or see this movie?
    Just a question! However I just read ‘He speaks to Me’ by Priscilla Shirer

  27. Just finsihed eclipse today and bought breaking dawn while at walmart today. I like this series but it has made me dream weird things. Before these I read The Secret lIVES OF BEES and marley and me.

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