1. beautiful layouts. Thanks for the inspiration as I begin my baby book for Miles (already 7 months and I haven’t scrapped a page for him).

  2. I love the ‘Dear Elias’ one…I just find it very personal and I know Elias will one day enjoy reading it.

    Have I said he is such a lucky little baby to have parents who in revel in the little things?

    He’s lucky 🙂 xxx.

  3. i love when you post layouts! they always make me want to go scrapbook though…my son is 2 and i am so far behind! he was a heart baby so i have tons of pictures of him in the hospital for his month stay and so far i am only on week two!

  4. Jessica- I love these layouts! I can not believe how much Elias has grown since these photos were taken. Thank you so much for sharing this aspect with all of us.

  5. AWE! look at you scrapping the photos we took of lil Elias!!! So glad to see them!!! love u girlie! thanks SO much for the phone call the other day! xo

  6. Great layouts! I sure do wish I scrapbooked when my kids were little. I never thought to take tiny baby part photos….

  7. Everytime I see your beautiful layouts I feel so guilty because I don’t scrapbook.Elias is so tiny in these!Precious!

  8. Oh, those are so beautiful and sweet…My little sis is 4 and I don’t think she has a single scrapbook page! Oh wait, I know I did at least one of her a long time ago. I guess I’m just not much of a scrapbooker. I just make cards. (http://tinyurl.com/adocub) =)

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