1. such a cute bunny. but i can’t help but think that someday our kids will ask why mommy??? 🙂
    my husband wouldn’t let me buy bunny ears…was very sad about this.

  2. @Rebecca- I hope to instill a love of holidays and festivities and a love for photos, so hopefully Elias will get why and not get too upset. 🙂

  3. Seriously, Jess, this Easter Bunny can hop by my house anytime, haha!!! WAY TOO CUTE!!!!!!! :o)

  4. I love this little photo shoot you did! Elias is getting so big so fast! I hope you enjoy meeting the “real” Easter Bunny today. We took our 3 month old last weekend and she did good. I broke down and spent 17 bucks on the little photo package too… it’s her first Easter so I figured it was worth it. Thanks for sharing!

  5. That boy just gets cuter with time, I swear! I love that you take all these holiday-themed photos! They’re all super cute! 🙂

  6. So, so, so, so CUTE !


    I'm coming your way(Nashville)for the week-end to spend Easter w/ my son !

    I pray for safe traveling for you & Elias as you head to WI.

  7. Can’t wait to hold the little bunny in just a matter of hours…..I will be counting the hours at work tomorrow !!!!! Nana

  8. I am sure you already know this, but I just felt compelled to mention it to you & all readers…those plastic eggs are very dangerous. My cousin was playing with them & he got one apart & like most everything with babies it went in his mouth & he sucked it down his throat. It was stuck & blocking his airway. It ended up okay, BUT was so scary!!! The larger ones shouldn't be a chocking risk, but the smaller ones that comes apart are very dangerous. Your pictures are adorable! Happy Good Friday & have a wonderful Easter weekend! Blessings!

  9. OOOPS. It’s too early~in my previous post that was suppose to say “choking” NOT “CHOCKING”. Sorry!

  10. Jess,

    ADORABLE!!!! I cracked up at Pete’s comment “most photographed baby ever!” That is more than likely very true, but I’m so thankful because he’s just precious!! You are awesome at taking pictures…keep it up, sister!!

    Have a very Blessed EASTER weekend!

    Love ya

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