1. From the video Nathan was my favourite. He is so powerful! Glad you had a great time. I would love to see something like this – it looks spectacular! xxx.

  2. I saw commericals for this and thought it looked interesting! Glad you had fun, I will have to check out the videos!

  3. I have never heard of Yanni, but I watched a bit of the video (Not all sadly, because my internet is running very slowly today) and it looked like a really good concert! 🙂

  4. I don’t think that is bad at all!!! I remember seeing Yanni on PBS shows ALL the time and thought it was an amazing concert as well!
    Im sure you and your husband had a lovely evening!

  5. I heart my 50mm 1.8, too. I would cry if I broke it. It is what is on my camera most of the time. The 85mm 1.8 is great, too. It just takes alot longer to save for, but I think that the quality is even better.

  6. I signed up for swagbucks when you did the promotion for them on your blog-is there any way to earn bucks faster than getting one a day by using them as your search engine? I’m assuming you know a faster way because you just got your new lens again…I would appreciate it if you could share any tips!

  7. I have an opprotunity to watch this. Is it ok to bring my kid to it. Is it appropriate for an 8 year old? Please advise. Thanks

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