1. We put some orange sherbet (from a push-pop) into Riley’s mesh chewy thingy [official name, I know! 🙂 the mesh thing you can put fruit chunks in…], and OH MY GOODNESS! He chewed and chewed and chewed, then he sucked on his hands to get every last taste! It was so cute. He kept signing “more” too! He’s usually too stubborn to sign at meal time, but now I know he knows how! 🙂


  2. I remember my niece loving spaghetti. It went everywhere but she loved the texture so it made her eat more and want less breast milk. I remember my sister (very rarely) feeding her custard with one of her favourite fruits in. That always went down well!

    Loving the pictures.

    Becca xo

  3. Those pictures are so cute. I don’t have any like that because my son isn’t a huge fan of red sauce. Although he likes alfredo and noodles.
    Isabella’s never had it, but we are having spaghetti tonight so I will try some on her. Maybe I can get some cute pictures too! And if sissy’s doing it maybe brother will join in the fun.

  4. I found your link from straight2heaven.com! We haven’t gotten to much finger food yet – just started with cooked carrots :). I’ll have to get back to you with a favorite!

  5. Lasagna is my favorite too, Stoeffer’s to be exact. Sometimes I make it just so I can have leftovers for lunch the next day, second day Italian food is always even better in my opinion!!

  6. My daughter went through a spell where she would eat nothing but muffins or mashed potatoes. KFC mashed potatoes…yuck!!

    He’s so stinking cute!

  7. My kids loved mexican food. Mainly black beans, avocados and cheese enchiladas. All very soft, easy to mash/chew…

    We use the mesh thingy too, I pop in frozen peaches. Our little guy (almost 10 months) LOVES them. And they aren’t as messy as say a frozen blueberry or strawberry would be;)…

  8. Did he handle lasagna okay? No tummy upset or anything? That’s some pretty heavy food for a little guy…but man, I’m with him — love lasagna!:)

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