1. oh my goodness look at him! This is so precious, I love it!! I have to watch it again and then work on teaching my daughter this!!!

  2. Even with his paci you can see his face light up and I can hear him say’n “That’s my Mama”. TO CUTE!!!!

  3. sissy i love your baby…i love him sooo very much…and danny and i watched the video 4 times…i can’t wait to see you in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss you guys tons

  4. He is toooo stinking cute. I just can’t believe how big he is getting. It was just yesterday you video taped the arrival. Geez where does the time go.

  5. Congrats on the little article w/photo about being a mommy blogger for Southwest that I read in today’s Nashville Business Journal (pg. 9 in Biz Bits section). Please say Hello to “Michael” for me 😉

  6. Yeah, I just had to come back because him waving makes me so darn happy!!!! It’s insane how sweet he is.

  7. How sweet! He is the same exact age (same birthday and all) as our little guy, but Elias sure seems alot more with it!;)

  8. By far the cutest thing! I am trying to teach Eli how to say bye and wave bye – he will only do it while he is eating. This is just way too cute!! 🙂

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