1. He is such a cutie!!! Have fun at the pool with him! We are going to the Dells in a few weeks with the boys…Bringing nieces with us as I am not much help to Andy in the wave pool and the slides in my current condition. I did find a really cute maternity swimsuit, though (NEVER thought I'd say those words!)…

    I am hoping to get further on a baby blanket I am making for a friend…I'll post it when it is done…

  2. Jessica, if you haven't already, please research the safety of putting new carpet down around a baby. New carpets emit a gas for a while and I have heard from multiple sources that this is not safe or healthy for babies or toddlers, especially since they are so often on the carpeting crawling around.

  3. Elias looks adorable. We were in Nashville (We live in GA, about 20 miles from FL) earlier this week visiting my sister who lives in Bellvue, and were going to try my 2 month old Madeline in the pool for the first time too, but the water was still too cold to try.

    I have lots to do this weekend like you do. Here's my list, maybe posting it will inspire me like it did you.

    – Clean the kitchen & bathroom floors

    – Hang up the Madeline's wooden name letters in her room

    – Clean the pool…ugh..

    – catch up on the laundry from our trip.

  4. The swimming pool sounds do great…maybe a video of him splashing in his sexy trunks are in order?! hehe.

    This weekend I am running a marathon to raise money for cancer and going to a 21st birthday BBQ! I hope the weather holds out x.

  5. Is that a reusable swimming diaper? I really want to get one of those but I had no idea how they work (I mean obviously you have to wash them somehow if they do get used) and how well they hold everything in of the baby does 'go'. We will be primarily swimming in my parents pool and I don't want to create more work for my dad. If you don't mind sharing – where did you get the diaper? Was it on someone's recommendation? Will you let us know how it works out and what you think once you have 'officially' used it?

    Sorry for all the questions! 🙂 Good luck on your list!

  6. anonymous – yes, we have researched the safety and selected a carpet that will be safe for Elias. No glue will be used in the installation, the carpet will be aired out ahead of time, etc. I appreciate your concern. Elias is always our first priority.

  7. I LOVE this picture, he's so happy 🙂 I hope you have fun! I plan to kiss my baby boy a million times, snuggle for 1800 hours, and sleep. In between that I am going to a wedding, church and watching LOST with my husband.

  8. Does this baby ever not smile? He is SO cute. Darling! Can't wait too see him loving the pool.

    I love the weekend!

  9. He is so cute! He is just the smiliest guy I have every seen!

    This weekend…starting tonight with our son's friend spending the night, running, hair appointment, making a bow holder for my daughter, my son's soccer game, the zoo with my sister-in-law and kids, a cookout, church, end of the year party for my son and HOPEFULLY some much needed weeding!

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Yes Elias is the smiliest baby ever…..He even out does his mommy at that age…and she was a very happy baby! I am speaking after spending a very short 3 days weekend with him……that was wonderful! Nana

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