1. Everything you listed is why I visit your blog! I love your writing style, your ideas, your "love it/hate it" posts, and most of all, seeing your sweet Elias – he's just so cute, and my toddler loves looking at your site with me. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your family and ideas.

  2. I most enjoy reading your personal stories aboout parenting, your faith, and your everyday life. I enjoy the pictures of Elias and also the occasional scrapbook layout. I am not really a fan of frequent product reviews or giveaways, though I did enjoy your love it or leave it posts as they seemed very much from the heart.

  3. I don't even know you but you do have an adorable little son. I so enjoy watching him grow up. What I love about your blog is your new ideas….I just never know what I am going to find here. It could be about Elias, your marriage, a new find, a cute way of taking pictures, a video….you keep us all coming back for more.

  4. Hi, I found you via Angie many many moons ago and have enjoyed following along with your life. I love your blog as a whole, so whatever you end up going with will be fabulous!
    Have fun with the blog makeover! 🙂

  5. I love your blog! All of the things that you listed is why I read your blog. I love sharing ideas and tips on parenting.

  6. What I like about your blog layout today is that it is simple. Some blogs go 'overboard' and it becomes hard to read. For example: They have a crazy back ground with crazy fonts with crazy colors.

    I really enjoy your love it or leave posts. I have found them to be very helpful.

    Not a big giveaway fan. Your blog feels less 'personal'. Plus I don't win…maybe I will change my mind if I actually win 🙂

    I don't scrapbook (wish I did). I mainly visit because I think Elias is adorable and I love to read about his latest developmental milestone. I am guilty of visiting your husbands blog to see what Elias is up to. I like that he posts videos and I enjoy his humor.

    Hope I gave some good input. Bottom line is that I will continue to enjoy your blog every day. I look forward to the new look!

  7. I would LOVE to have more scrapbooking info/pictures. I miss seeing the cool pages and projects you did a few years ago!

  8. I visit your blog for the pictures of Elias. I wish you would post a photo/video of him every day. He just warms the cockles of my heart!

  9. I love it all. I like your variety, parenting tips and experiences, scrapbook posts, etc. I've had a few issues loading your site on my browser lately, 100% sure it's an issue on MY end!! I look forward to the new look.

  10. Hey Jess,

    I'm a long time follower and love the blog. I'm not a huge fan of the giveaways as well. I echo the previous sentiments and it's not why I read. I've also had trouble loading your page in the past few months. I do love your stories about life, marriage, parenting, etc. It's what keeps me coming back and I don't think you will ever change that 🙂 Thanks for blogging and being so real with us.


  11. Jessica…this is Mom….I really only want to see Elias….but that is not what everyone wants but truthfully I love to coming to your blog because it is like reading a mini magazine…full of mommy topics (ALL) on a daily basis and then getting everyones views…its fun to see what others have done or like/dislike…and I can jump on and tune in to the issues anytime…even Midnight.
    I love the good/bad product reviews…lots new since you were in diapers….
    not sure if my opinion counts..Love you Oodles Mom

  12. Jessica, I love the honesty on your blog. I have been hooked to your blog for a few months and read it daily. I enjoy everything that you write and look forward to your new post everyday. I don't have any comments on what I would like to see more of, because I love everything you already do! Thanks for being such an awesome blogger!

  13. Seriously, there's nothing I would change about your blog. I can't wait to see the new look. I love hearing about Elias and your adventures as a mom 🙂

  14. Hi Jessica,

    Love your blog, I came here I think the night you were giving birth via Angie's blog, and I keep coming back because I think Elias is the cutest kid on the block, and I've loved wathcing him grow. I also love your approach on parenting. Your down to earth nature, and your faith principals. Can't wait to see the new layout!!! Emily

  15. LOL, I was reading some of the other comments and had to laugh, because I too will visit your Husband's site to see Eliase too, how funny! However, in my defence, I think MPT is a very talented writer and I seriously enjoyed CHURCHED!!!! Thanks guys, you're great!

  16. I love everything about your blog. I'm a scrapbooker and would love to see more of your projects and I like to see your photography as well (gives me ideas). My youngest is the same age as Elias, so I love to see him and where he's at, what he's doing, etc. (And he is just so darn cute!) And I love your tips and questions and such. Your blog just feels so personal. I love that. I like the giveaways, but that's not why I read:) Can't wait to see the new look!

  17. I came here first through Angie at Bring the Rain. I keep coming because I love your style, your zest for life, your love for your family and I enjoy reading what you've written.

    I would really like you to continue sharing about your scrapbooking journey, etc. I used to scrapbook but never felt I was very good at it. I always wanted to do all the "stuff" so I never got any pages done because I didn't have the time.

    Now I have 4 children, tons of pictures but none in albums for us to look at. It's no fun all huddled around the computer viewing our photographs there. I'm determining to start scrapbooking sometime in the next year.

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