1. Happy Birthday Elias! I can't believe it was one year ago today that I was refreshing your Mom and Dad's blogs for any sort of update on your arrival! xxx

  2. Fun! I remember watching each of those as they popped up last year. You guys are all so fun and funny even in the midst of baby birthing. I can't believe it's been a year. It's gone so fast and Elias has just gotten more adorable every day. Thanks for sharing life – then and still.

  3. That's how I started reading your blog! I saw a video on Angie's blog and was hooked. This year has flown!

  4. Oh my goodness, how fun to watch those videos! It brings back memories of my Gage's birth 6 months ago! I laughed out loud watching new daddy Matthew holding Elias and saying "Can you say 'hi'? Of course you can't but that's what adults have to say when they're holding a baby…" Oh that is so true! Happy birthday Elias – you are precious!

  5. I love these videos. I found these for the first time a few months ago when I was exploring your blog.

  6. This was soooo much fun allover to watch the video's again….I remember getting up every hour and checking the computer for an update about our new "grandson's arrival"…..and praying for strength for you guys until then….Now we need a New One year old Elias video…I know its coming….I'm such a pain…Love you guys…Nana

  7. Those videos are hilarious. I didn't discover your blog until Elias was a few months old, so I didn't see those. Crack me up. You on drugs are hysterical. My son (first baby) was born just a couple of weeks before Elias, and that brought back such vivid memories. Thanks for reposting.

  8. I remember that day, it was the first time I was introduced to your blog by Angie. I love the videos. Hope Elia had a great birthday! I still can't believe how fast the time flies. The second year is just as good!

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