1. My daughter loved her babydolls. She was a prisspot…still is. Always a necklace, purse, hairbow and frilly socks with her little outfits. Sigh. She just got married in May.

    My older son loved anything he could push, punch or bang together. His favorites were plastic balls and bats. He ended up being able to toss a ball in the air and hit it at 18 months. Loves sports.

    My youngest loved a Leap Frog Alphabet Drum. He's a product of the electronic age, I guess.

    All my kids loved their books. Any kind of book. Just had to be prepared to read until I was croaking.

  2. My kids still love the Leap Frog Alphabet. It is not my favorite toys however…so loud!

    Boo was really into blocks and trucks. Even then she was a bit of a tomboy. She loved bringing her trucks outside and digging with them, getting covered in dirt. It was wonderful.

  3. Graham loved those fridge magnets too.. still does! LOL!

    One thing that I am so glad I got for him though was the Meet the Letters DVD by preschool prep. Trust me, it is so annoying, but he learned the entire alphabet upper and lower case in 3 weeks at 18 months old. No joke. I bought all the DVDs and he now knows colors, shapes, numbers, several site words.

  4. Wow! I can't believe Elias likes that Elmo. We have the "Tickle Me" version and both my daughters were VERY scared of him at age one. A little bit like Santa Clause They've since warmed up to him though and think he's hilarious. 🙂

  5. I need to get Elias on video dancing to the Elmo. He kind of bops his body up and down while he sits and watched Elmo dance. It is super cute.

  6. AWW… he is adorable!! I hope he is doing well after getting those tubes put in his ears! My younger brother had them put in when he was little… they really helped him.

  7. Hi Jessica,
    Perfect timing! Thanks for the toy reviews! We are getting ready for my Babe's first bday and are having a hard time deciding what toys would be best. She already has quite a few toys that her sister and brothers have handed down but we have to get her SOMETHING for her birthday. We do have the hokey pokey elmo. You reminded me that I need to get some new batteries in it so Miss Daisy can do a little dancin with elmo.

  8. Taft is 13 months old and loves the Leap Frog Fridge Farm. I kinda hate that in the stainless steel age of fridges, they don't stick. I wish they made a stainless steel look that was magnetic. He just loves it in the floor though.
    He is also a big fan of boxes and baskets and will set for hours just taking things in and out of them.

  9. Happy belated 1st Birthday to little Elias. He is as precious as always.
    Blessings today and always,
    Matthew 21:22

  10. Sophia is 2 1/2 and she has always been into her babies. She loves them. It is a little scary to see your parenting come out in your child but always funny.

    She also has a table and chairs and that was the best thing we ever bought. We get lots of use out of it. Eating, playing, coloring, you name it and she does it on that table.

  11. Well, our son is 23 months old, but for the past year, his favorite toys have stayed exactly the same…farm animals from the dollar spot at Target. Just this past week, they had sea creatures and I went wild over them…got one of everything. They have become his new favorite (along with the farm animals!)

    Also, even though they are not in his age range, Transformer's Bumper Battlers are his other favorites. 🙂

  12. oh, and his train table that he got for Christmas from my parents…invaluable – we use it EVERY day.

  13. Jess these are great ideas, (hope you wouldn't mind if I steal a few ideas). Hunter has a few toys he loves, his red wagon that we push him in outside, he loves throwing his ball, the ball pop toy (throws balls up).
    Elias is such a cutie! 🙂 I bet that's cute watching him dance! 🙂

  14. Besides Brandon's love for our cell phones, remotes, cameras or keys? You mean this kid has ACTUAL toys?

    Right now he is really into a push riding lawn mower he pushes around the yard.

    He has the laughing elmo and he likes to push him over and over. He has a whole sesame street car/driving set. We take it in the car with us so he can drive.

    He also is starting to love little matchbox cars and now says 'vroom, vroom'.

    What a fun stage.

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