Giveaway Thursday: Autographed Copy of Handmade Home
Yes, I know it is Wednesday and my title says Giveaway Thursday. 🙂 I am doing Giveaway Thursday a day early today.
Angie and I are excited to both be giving away a copies of Amanda Soule’s new book Handmade Home today. (If you don’t own her first book, The Creative Family: How to Encourage Imagination and Nurture Family Connections, you are MISSING out. Order this book and thank me later. It rocks my world.) We are both huge fans of Amanda’s simple outlook on life, craftiness and pretty much everything about her and were honored to receive early copies of the book.
As soon as we received our copies, we decided to make one of the projects together. And what better project than these cute Mama Bags?
Before I go into details about our experience making the bags, take a few minutes to watch our video of us chatting about the project and the book.
Homemade Home from angie smith on Vimeo.
Like I said, Angie is a fabulous seamstress and I can barely sew a straight line (there are pictures below to prove it). Yet, this bag was totally doable for me – and it is labeled “intermediate.” (Granted, Angie did have to guide me a bit. However, now that I have done one, I could easily do it again. Now, if I could just learn how to fill a bobbin…)I think I may make several for Christmas gifts this year.
Here is my fabric with the pleats pinned. I was quite proud of my pleats.And here Angie is hard at work on the sewing machine.
Angie was very impressed with my pinning skills. Also note my less than perfect pockets.
Of course, what sewing project would be complete without the involvement of a seam-ripper?
And just in case you didn’t get a good look at the bags, here we are holding them – and loving on sweet Elias.I have two copies of Handmade Home to give away! If you would like a chance to win one, please leave a comment about your sewing experience – or lack there of, if you are like me. 🙂
For additional chances to win:
* Follow me on Twitter AND tweet this giveaway using this tweet: @JessicaNTurner & @angelac519 are giving away copies of Handmade Home. (please RT) (include your Twitter handle in your comment)
* Become a public follower of this blog (if you are a follower already, that counts too!)
* Subscribe to this blog using a reader like netvibes, google reader, etc.
Leave a comment for EACH additional chance.
The winner will be posted on Sunday.
Comments closed.
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Twitter me – I’m JessicaNTurner
very cool…i would love a copy of the book. does it come with a sewing machine? ha ha
oh and i follow this blog…love it!
I would love this! I just started sewing last week and I love it! I have been finding free patters online and making things out of fabric my grandmother had at her house. She has gotten too feeble to sew these days. She tried to teach all her grandgirls how to sew years ago, when we were tweens, but none of us were overly interested. But, that didn't deter her. She bought everyone of us a sewing machine and kept them at her house, in case we decided we wanted to sew. My sister and I have been the only ones to retrieve our machines and use them, but seeing my 79yr old grandma being proud of my sewing so far feels wonderful! You can check out some of my sewing attempts on my blog:
I follow this blog already!
That bag is adorable! I would love to get a copy of this book. (Also, you look great!)
I tweeted!
What a neat looking book!! I am not a person that sews but I love to try new things and thought the Mama bag you made was super cute!! I would love to win a copy of the book to try that and many new other things!
Cindy R
I don't own the first one either but have heard many good things about it!
Sewing experience….uh…. I own a sewing machine. I bought some patterns or handbags and aprons I wanted to make. I just don't quite know how to make the machine and the patters work together.
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I also have you in my google reader! Thanks~ Have a great day!
I have been sewing for 38 years. I have made some very complicated things: my wedding dress, a tailored suit, & men's shirts. But, I really enjoy sewing simple things that don't take a ton of time. I would love this book.
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I love to sew!! My most recent creation-in-progress is an Advent Calendar wall hanging….it's been fun! All homeade ornaments and such!
I'd love to win a copy!!
tbmroberts at yahoo dot com
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tbmroberts at yahoo dot com
I am totally new to sewing but a bit envious of people who can whip things up like those cute bags! This looks like a great book to ease my way into learning how to sew 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity!
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Tweet, Tweet!
I am certainly in the 'lack thereof' category on sewing! LOL! I am trying though…it's just a slower process than I had hoped! The sad part is – my husband is pretty good at it! LOL!
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I would love that book!
I have you in my reader!
I have quite a bit of sewing experience but I haven't done any sewing in years. I miss it but since I started working full time and also doing the mom thing, I have much less time for my crafts. Having ideas right there to inspire me does help though because it takes some of the work out of it for me.
Your video made me both laugh, and miss my old girlfriends – Love your bags, especially the pockets! 🙂
OOOOHhhh!! i would love this book. i would say i am "intermediate"…. i can get the job done, but it's not perfect. i just made a tote bag, but this one looks WAY cooler!!
i tweeted!!
Oh, I looove that bag!! I honestly do not have a lot of sewing experience, but I have been able to make simple dresses and skirts for me and my littlest sister, so maybe I could pull that off. =) And I do have a sewing that works, currently. Thanks for the chance, Jess! =D
i follow your blog!!
(by the way, your bags are so cute!!)
The bags you guys made are super cute. I would love to win a copy of this book! Cute Video Too!
I would love this book mostly because I just started learning to sew with my mentor from Church. It would be awesome to get some great ideas from this book!! Thanks so much!!
I am adding you on to my google reader too!! Thanks so much, I look forward to reading your blog!!
Love the video! This book looks amazing! I am just learning how to sew and I love this bag – I think it would be the perfect project 🙂
I am a hobby-sewing class drop-out. Maybe this book will redeem me, and maybe not. I do love A. Soule's blog.
Great giveaway! I love to sew and just moved into a new house where I'm going to have my own craft room finally!! Have you heard of the angry chicken blog ( She has a book, Bend the Rules Sewing, it's a great one for beginners too!
(also a follower!)
Love the first book! I've sewn a quilt or two in my life, but am excited about smaller projects with two little ones running around!
I would love this for a friend who is about to move away-she loves doing sewing projects!
I follow on Google Reader!
WOW…this sounds like a wonderful book!! Please enter me in your giveaway.
Sewing experience??? It's been awhile, but I've done some quilting, and making clothes for my daughter when she was little. Doll clothes…mending…all that good stuff.
I am now using my machine for some altered mixed media artwork. Such fun!!!
I am also a follower of your blog, so please enter me again!! Thanks a bunch!
Hi Jessica! i came across you from Angie's blog which i read regularly, and saw this video of you and her and immediately recognized you!!! I went to mercy from 2006-2007 when you used to volunteer on saturdays and one day you came in and did a special class with us and we made that really cool memory flip book and we all took our picture! anyway, i thought it was cool that you were on here so I thought i'd say hi! 🙂
I'm so happy to find your blog from Angie's! I think this book looks amazing and I don't know much about sewing but would love to learn! The bags are really cute and I loved the video! Great giveaway!
i've been holding off buying it… hoping to win!
I would love to get one of these. I have been working on a t-shirt quilt for my husband for about a year now (off and on), so this would get me to open up the machine again!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this book! I teach FCS and am always looking for great ideas! Love the bags! Great job!
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I would love this book! I could be classified as almost an intermediate level :o) I do lots of machine embrodery and love it!
My mom bought me a sewing machine years ago…but I didn't learn how to use it until just before my 1 year old daughter was born. Now I LOVE it and even have a little Etsy shop where I sell some of my creations. I would so LOVE this book!
i'm trying to get back into more sewing … now that i have my mother-in-law's "old" machine … just finished all but the handstitching on a sweet vintage baby quilt. so proud of myself …. and now am all ready if this new baby is a girl!
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted – Mom2Valerie.
How fun! I would love to sew more!
I would love to have this book! I have been sewing for my children since my daughter (now 3-1/2) was 9 months old. I quickly became a pretty experienced seamstress. I would love to branch out into sewing something besides children's clothes!
I LOVE following your blog – I've followed you since we were both pregnant at the same time with our now 1 year olds and just love all your momma ideas 😉
I am already a follower of your blog too!
I would love a copy of this book. My sewing skills are very basic and my daughter (almost 10)is learning to sew and her skills are quickly passing me up. I would love to have some projects for us to do together.
Oo. I love this bag. I just started sewing and this book looks right up my alley.
Thanks for the giveaway.
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I love your video! I am at your experience level with sewing. I took a class at Jo-Ann that taught the basics, and now it's time for me to jump in!
What a neat idea for a book! My only sewing experience came about 2 months after I got married, when I though it would be a good idea to sew a quilt. Needless to say, it isn't finished yet!
I follow your blog.
My mother sewed EVERYTHING for my 3 sisters & me growing up. If I lived closer, I would make her teach me how to sew!
I tried an apron a few months ago with a friend…but then I moved, and I can't make myself start it again! I really want to though!!!
I have been looking at sewing machines lately…I really need a good beginner machine. I have two daughters, and I'm DYING to start sewing for them!!
I'm very impressed. I have made curtains for my house, but I'm always so scared to sew because I'm afraid I'll mess it all up. I would love to win this book and learn how to make that cute bag. I think it's a great gift idea for new moms too!
I don't sew too often, but I really enjoy it! I started sewing when I was 9 – made my first outfit for 4-H 🙂 21 years later I'm still sewing. The last thing I made was a bag/purse out of an old felted sweater.
I also begame a follower.
I loved the video and your bags look great.
I've been sewing for a LONG time and I can't wait to see the projects in this book. 🙂
awesome giveaway! i'll buy the book if I don't win! I'm doing a quilt along and have made a few quilts, but I wouldn't consider myself an expert…. I can't gather fabric like you did! =)
I follow you! … on your blog, not in a creepy way!
I just love y'all! I read your blogs daily and y'all are so cute and funny! And I LOVE to sew, but can't by a pattern … so this sounds like it is right up my alley!
My sewing experiences have been traumatizing–7th grade home ec, making the top that I had to wear to get a grade, changing right before class and then making a Bee line straight to the locker room afterwards, with my jacket on so that nobody in the hallway would see!
P.S. I like the way you say, BAG–I'm from WI, too and am proud of the way we say our vowels correctly!!
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loved the video!! your girls are so fun.
i'm a follower!
The last time I did any sewing was when I was in Grade 10 and sewed a pair of pajama bottoms at school. They ended up looking more like MC Hammer pants with moons and sheep on them. I'd love to get back into it and have a great mother who can teach me lots!
I'm a google reader subscriber!
This book looks amazing! I do attempt to sew. My most recent project was 12 checkered flags for our church VBS. It is fun to attempt to sew clothes for my girls,too!
Thanks for the giveaway-
artandjen at juno dot com
I really do want to learn to sew! I have a sewing machine that my great grandmother gave me. It was hers and she had it repaired and serviced and gave it to me about a month ago… so I do need to figure it out!
I follow!
I think the book sounds great! I am in the novice-intermediate area…
I also follow your blog!
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted! twitter handle: alecVA
In junior high, I made a skirt for my mom with major help from a friend. Made a skirt that never fit for myself with same said friend. Fortunately, I married into a sewing family and hand everything to my MIL!!!
I would love a copy!
This book sounds great! I have recently gotten into sewing and really enjoy it. Currently I'm working on an apron…I've ruined one to many shirts cooking 🙁 Thanks for the giveaway!
Great job on the bags—I really like the fabric! I would love to test my skills in the beginner stage—I am not very talented with my sewing skills but would like to try again! Just need a sewing machine!
I (ampaetka) follow you on twitter and tweeted this giveaway.
Like you I haven't figured out how to load a bobbin yet, but I'm trying to learn!
so fun! i would love one…going to have to check out the other book when i get a chance too!
Perhaps the Home Ec classes will finally pay off….your bags look so much better than the country jumper I made back then! Would love the book.
So cute! You two are adorable! I can see that you have a great friendship! I'd love a copy of this book. I'm trying to get into sewing!
P.S.- I subscribe to your feed.
Yay! Another crafty one!!
I follow your blog.
And it's in my reader.
And tweet tweet!! @mandyhornbuckle
I used to sew…then had children. But I would love to get back into it. I have one grandbaby and what fun we would have when she is older 🙂
I follow this blog already!!
Abi Byrd
I just got a sewing machine from my amazing MIL my last birthday in September. I would LOVE this book!!!
Abi Byrd
what a wonderful giveaway! I have a sewing machine and would love to have the book so I can make a cute purse!! 🙂
I once had to sew a badge onto my karate gi, and my mom talked me through it. Simple right? Just whip stitch it on and bam, or not..I spent an hour on what should have only taken a few minutes, and then all proud, lifted it up to show my mom…Except I had sewed it to my pants..My mom went ahead and sewed it on after we got me unattached!
Oh! And I'm a follower of your blog.
I can't sew a lick. Maybe this book would help! I would love to own a copy!
I'm a follower of your blog
I have been wanting to get this book! Your bag turned out so cute, great job! I am a beginner/intermediate sewer and want to learn more.
I have zero sewing experience but would love to learn- what a valuable skill to have!
That book would so fun to have! I haven't done much sewing in my life because I normally hand things over to my dad. He's and Eagle Scout and is good at those sorts of things. I did once sew a pillow in the 7th grade and have done a few more simple pillows. That's really about it!
I love those bags! I am determined to one day sew enough to do that! 😉
I would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the opportunity!
Hopefully my sewing experiences will become many. My future mother-in-law gave me a sewing machine as a house warming gift. I'll be reading your blog via goodle reader. 🙂
Would LOVE a copy of this book – great vido!
I follow you on twitter and tweeted here
I subscribe on google reader!
I Follow your blog – love it!
Love it! Love you and Angie. You two are too funny. I've been sewing most of my life. Not always a big fan, but I can do it. Made my mother a suit when I was about 14. It was quite good, but I think that was the beginning of my lack of fondness for sewing clothing, but I still like fun projects. Love any and all things crafty and wish I have more time to do them.
I follow your blog and twitter,(but usually only post one comment)…why yes, I'm a little bit of a stalker…but feel so much better since it's become known as following which makes it sounds such much less menacing. 🙂
I can't sew…I would love to…but I can't. Love your blog!
My mom is a seamstress and I tried to follow in her footsteps – that's a joke!!! I have problems with straight lines too! I sew only when the mood hits me (in other words, I would have to take the vacuum clean to suck off the dust since it hasn't been used lately). The book looks very interesting and I think I could get very motivated again.
I have been following your blog for some time now. Love it!!!
My sewing experience includes a quilt, but I had A LOT of help on it!! I could never do it again without as much help!
You two are great on video together, SO fun! I would love this book…I have a sewing machine, but zero sewing skills, so this could be just the right inspiration to learn!
Oh my! Me & sewing?!?! I would love to be crafty & hope I win this book to help me along.
~Christi in California~
I love to sew!!!! I would LOVE a copy of this book! Thank you for this great giveaway opportunity!
I am a follower of this blog!
i am pretty much a non-sewer…. but i would love to learn. this sounds like a great book! thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks for all your tips. I'd like to win!
right before i was to model my 4-h project in the 5th grade (which had taken me 6 months, since i was not too adept with a seamripper), my mom pressed it and we started trimming tiny threads. on accident, we cut the bodice OFF the skirt. like, the whole thing. GONE. we had to restitch the whole thing in twenty minutes. needless to say, i didn't win. sigh.
I have a sewing machine and in my mind would LOVE to be a great sewer – is that the right word?? If only I had a sewing room like Angie instead of my machine taking residence in a corner of my unfinished laundry room…not very welcoming!
I love your blog, by the way…so much so that I am now following you publicly!
I would love a copy!!! Sounds terrific!
i am new at sewing but would love to win this book to help me along with some easy starter projects!
Wonderful! Pick me!
I'm now a blog follower!
I just was talking about learning to sew. This book sounds wonderful and I would love a copy.
And I already follow you!
Tweet, tweet… following you on twitter!
And I tweeted (twittered? 🙂 about the giveaway.
Okay….so I follow both of your blogs, and Amanda Soule's. I love crafty stuff and I am such a loser because I have not bought either one of the books! Therefore….I need to win this. Bad. Thanks for sharing! Love ya'll!
Okay you two just cracked me up! I actually snorted – SNORTED – when you said "I know it's about repurposing old stuff but we just went to Joanne's." I'm in. I'm a big fan of The Creative Family and would like to do this one.
I used to sew and have a desire to really get better at it. I feel like I need to take a class or sit with someone who knows how to do it as my Grade 8 home ec class isn't quite cutting it these days. 🙂
Oh, and I subscribe!
I'm already a follower and you're in my Google Reader! And I RT'd…I'm @linny
Hope you're having a wonderful day!
I would LOVE this book. I love to do projects like this, but since I had my baby I have not had the time but it is time to get back into it again and I think that this would spark that. April C. In Florida
once when I was about 12 I was sewing a pillow and managed to stitch my jeans to the carpet I was sitting on! oops! Would love this book, thanks!
Love the video you girls made. How fun! It's been a long time since I pulled out my sewing machine. I need some inspiration! Would love to win a copy of this book!
I also just signed up to follow your blog via Google.
I love those bags! I have took a sewing class in high school and dabble here and there with sewing.
I would love this book!
I follow you on twitter and tweeted the contest 🙂 Jewelsof Hope
I follow your blog
I don't sew but that doesn't mean I wont try if I win the book! Actually, my husband can sew. . .pretty strange right? Thanks!
Be Blessed,
Amy (Honestly)
oh and I have you on Google reader as well.
Oh, and I just became a follower too!
I am now following this blog and I love to sew.I actually just bought a new sewing machine today. I will post pics on my site later. I would love to be entered into the book give away.
I tweeted. megnstuff
LOVE IT! Would love to win! (does that sound cheesy? :))
I follow this blog, love it, you, and your sweet Elias.
My mom has a sewing room and I would love to get this for her so we could have some mother/daughter time and make this together. Thanks for the awesome giveway Jess, you rock!
I have been wanting to learn to sew. This would be a great help! I tweeted about it too. ksterner
Oh, please enter me. I definitely have a lack of sewing skills. I have a machine but honestly I do not know how to use it – hopefully soon I will.
I just got a copy of the first book and love it – can't wait for the second! My twitter handle is @slightlycosmo.
I also follow your blog in bloglines! 🙂
I just found out about her blog yesterday! I just sewed a flower onto a shirt for my daughter using varying scraps of fabric in browns and blues…my first attempt at sewing anything, and it turned out pretty well, so I am going to get her other book now!:)
me too I would love it, books are always the best giveaways.
I have inherited my grandmother's metal sewing machine! I'm excited to start doing projects with it!
I also follow on bloglines!
I think you guys should do more videos together… crack me up!
Plus, I love the picture of you two holding your bags and looking at Elias. Too cute!
Maybe this book would motivate me to unpack the sewing machine my mother-in-law gave me 5 years ago for my birthday? (She had such high hopes for me.)
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
And I follow your blog on Google Reader too!
I Love sewing and doing crafty things so I know I'd just Love this book! I loved your video too. 🙂
I "tweeted" about this great giveaway! My Twitter handle is rnoelhaney.
I follow your blog!
I also read your blog in Google Reader!
I would love to learn how to sew. As a matter of fact, I may be attending some sewing classes sometime soon. I have been looking for an inexpensive yet quality sewing machine on Craigslist but no luck so far! Once, I did sew a purse though! 🙂
I don't sew other than mending hems or putting buttons back on. But I have always wanted to attempt quilting or some other art form of sewing. Maybe some day. Right now my comfort zone is more paper arts. But I love how sewing is now incorporated into paper collage.
Thanks for offering the giveaway.
Follower!! 🙂
This looks like a fabulous book, and I loved y'all's video . . . so cute! Can't wait to see who wins. The bags you and Angie made are darling. Loved the pockets. : )
Now following you publicly and in my Google Reader, too. : )
I have some sewing experience… as in I can sew a straight line = ) I enjoy sewing baby quilts for our local crisis pregnancy centre and would love to win this book!
andreaandtyler [AT]
Neat book! I'd love to be a winner 🙂
And I'm a follower!
And I follow you in Google Reader!
I JUST started Sewing. And i LOVE this!
I am a total 'wanna be' when it comes to sewing! One of those… 'some day' dreams. The bag you made is adorable… great job!
I would love to have the book. I bought myself a sewing machine a year ago and I am hooked. This book would definitely give me some new inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway.
My MIL offered to buy me a sewing machine a few years ago, and I laughed. Me? Sew? Now I wish I would have taken her up on that offer. Ever since I had kids I have all sorts of stuff I want to sew. What is it about having babies that brings out the crafty/domestic side of women? I swear it's got to be hormonal! I've started dropping hints to her again about the sewing machine, so maybe I will get one for Christmas!
I just bought a sewing machine and am looking for some cute projects. I already sewed a curtain shut…so that you can't put the rod through! Need to get one of those seam rippers!
Sorry, forgot to put in my name. Here goes again:
I would love to have this book. I bought myself a sewing machine a year ago and am hooked. This book would definitly give me some new inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway!
My mom is a fabulous seamstress, can do everything from suits to drapes to wedding dress alterations (mine anyway). But I got the knitting gene instead. I can sew a straight line and can load a bobbin (I think), but that's as far as it goes… would love to check out this book!
Hi there! I came across your blog today. I love your creativity! The book sounds awesome! I love to craft and am trying to learn how to sew. The bag you made is great. I look forward to visiting your blog more often. Your son is adorable. Have a nice day and take care!
Tara 🙂
Pick me! Pick me!
Shameless begging here…
Dawn @ (4:53 am)
My mom tried numerous times to teach me to sew. I got antsy after cutting out the pattern. I think I have more patience for it now so I've been thinking about asking her for some help again. She is a wonderful seamstress!
Would love to get the book!
I can sew some. When I sew, I usually do baby blankets for gifts or for my kids when they are born.
Looking forward to learning more about this book!
I just added this blog to my reader!
Hey, I'm a newbie to sewing! Looks like this book would be a great way to learn!! After all, Mr. U did buy me a really nice sewing machine last Mother's Day… oh dear…
May I enter, please?
Mrs. U
I watched the video over at Angie's blog too, you both look like you had a lot of fun with the project! I would definitely be a beginner, my husband does all the sewing in the family!
I enjoy reading your blog.
I would love a copy of the book. I'm learning my way to sewing. I love to make projects specially for my daugther. If you look closer they are nto that good but I'm getting better one project at time.
I just subscribed to your blog.
I really enjoy reading it
This would be an excellent book for me. I am surrounded by people who can sew, but for some reason I never learned how to sew. I ALWAYS ask my mom, MIL, grandmothers, SIL, whoever, to sew something for me.
I would love this book because I can do it myself! (in the words of my 3 yr old son) I plan to buy a sewing machine for my birthday in October, so I can get started rather quickly and MAKE chirstmas gifts!
I'm a public blog follower.
I just checked her first book out from the library but haven't had a chance to read it yet. Would love to win the second book, especially with that cute bag as one of the projects!
I actually don't have much sewing experience but always have wanted to learn. I actually got a sewing machine for my birthday a couple of years ago but have been too nervous to use it. Sounds like this book would be just the thing to get me to finally start using it.
I'm also following your blog on google reader too.
very cool bags!!
I have like no sewing experience but I would love to have some! I love craftiness… and I am a crafty wannabe!
I have pretty much NO sewing experience, but it is something I have always wanted to do/learn.
I am excited to check out her other book too!
Thanks so much!
LOVE amanda's site!!! excited about her book, too 🙂
And I just became a follower! 🙂
I learned how to sew when I was YOUNG but I just re-taught myself so that I could sew cloth diapers for my daughter! And now I am a very comfortable seamstress!
Jess, this is my first time ever to your blog (via Angie's) I watched the video and heard you mention that you are from WI. Where? We live in Superior WI (but are really from across the bridge in Duluth MN) I found nothing weird w/ your pronoucing of the word "bag" 😉
And I tweeted as aeasterling…
I love Amanda's work!! I would love this book. Pick me! Pick me please!!
Great job on the bag! I would love to win a copy of the book!
I do not sew but my sister does and I would love for her to make some of these bags. Too cute!
I made my first quilt when I was 12, started my last one about 15 years ago and I'm still working!
oh i would love this book! i love her first one. i sew quite often.
I would love a copy of the book! My mom taught me to sew, but I haven't done it in a LONG time!
Melissa E.
OH MY GOODNESS I almost bought this book the other day but since we just started with a nanny decided I would have to wait until I got more swagbcks. I WANT IT!!! I NEED IT!!! Please pick me!!!!!
I am also a follower of you blog!!!
And I follow you on my google reader.
And I am a twitter follower but have no clue what you mean about tweet this and leave your handle so if you tell me I'll tweet with my handle!
fun video and super cute bags!!
I'm so inspired by Amanda (and I'm so lucky to live near her!) My Mom gave me her old sewing machine but I've never used it and I'd love to get my hands on this book. I follow your blog on google as well. I hope I win!
What a fun book! I sewed a little in 4H in my elementary days and took Home Ec in high school. But, I haven't sewed since but am inspired! My friends sew such cute things. Thanks!!
I have problems with the bobbin, too. And pulling up thread from the bottom. Which is why a lot of my fabric has to go with off-white – it is already threaded and ready to go!
The book looks really neat. My daughter just started sewing and she will love the projects.
This looks great! I love the idea of sewing, but have not gotten too far. I sometimes have to coordinate my project with the color of thread that is in my bottom threader. Can be too difficult to change!
I would consider myself an inexperienced sew-er, but maybe this book would help me make a cute bag like yours! Yay!
Oooooo I loved her first book and would love love the next one!
I loved the video and I loved the bags and I am sure I will love this book!
I learned tosew at age 11 or 12 and I have loved it ever since. Any new ideas are welcomed! I would love to have Amanda Soule's new book! She is so very creative and always has such great ideas!…I just realized I have been sewing for 25+ years now, amazing! It never grows old, always a new fun project to try. I love making quilts most of all!
What cute ideas. I dread anytime I have to sew … thankfully I have my mom to help if needed which, let me be honest..often times it is needed! 🙂
Great video!
It looks like an awesome book. the bag is adorable! Id love to win this book 🙂
I would love a copy of this book; maybe it would inspire me to take my brand new (yet 3 year old) sewing machine out of the box?!
I would love this for my pastor's wife. She can really sew, not me. Then she could make me a purse, you know for entering her and all. =)
I'm glad you are a beginner sewer and were able to complete an intermediate project! I received a sewing machine as a gift last year…and it is still in the box. Haha! I am a follower and my twitter handle is heatherallen. Blessings!
I can't sew a thing yet have a sewing machine for 17 years.
Would love to win!
Joanna Rummel
My mom and both my grandmas are such wonderful seamstresses! And I can't sew a straight line to save my life.
My only stitching experience happens on scrapbook pages.
The book sounds so fun!
I would love to win this book! The bags you made are so cute! I think I need to take a refresher sewing class though. Thanks!
i have little sewing experience but enough to keep me working on projects and dreaming of being better, this book looks great and right up my alley!
I am currently drawing on every bit of sewing experience I have to complete a quilt for my first ever quilting challenge. it sure is nerve wrecking. wish me luck, I'm going to need it. does anyone know if it is really true that you have a better chance of winning if you hand quilt? I'd much rather machine quilt this thing. sigh…
I sewed my senior banquet dress and a tennis dress in high school and a Southern Belle gown for a North and South Banquet in college, but have not sewn anything since. Would love this book as I have a 7 year old daughter who would lover her momma to be a bit more crafty =) Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Well the video couldn't be cuter..hope I win, but if I don;t I'm buying the book
I actually have a sewing machine but do very little sewing. My mom is a great sewer, but sadly I did not inherit that trait.
I can handle sew in a straight line but this would be so fun to make!!
I just became a follower….yippee!!
I'd totally LOVE to win! I even have a sewing lesson planned for next weekend, so this would be PERFECT for me!
I have ZERO sewing experience but I would love to learn. My MIL has a sewing machine and we keep talking about a sewing day. Thanks for this chance!
I love Amanda Soule and her books look fabulous. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm a follower.
I also subscribe!
Oh too much fun. I am a beginner sewer too. I have sewn before but I dont do much of it. I would love to see all the creative ideas this book has to offer.
I would love Love LOVE a copy of this book, i am a 'beginner' and think Soule Mama's guidance and inspiration would be a great place to start.
Thanks Jess!!
the bags are adorable! i can't sew a straight line either but i'd love to try. thanks jessica!
This would give me an AWESOME excuse to get a sewing machine and learn!!! 🙂
Following you on twitter and tweeted! 🙂
I am an intermediate sewer I think. I've ben sewing for a couple years now and am always learning how to make new homemade gifts for people. Winning the book would be awesome, but if not I'll probably have to go buy it :^)
You and Angie are a hoot! Love the bags and have teh itch to make my own!!! What a fun "girls night in" that would be.
I love all things creative, that's why I love your blog so much! Would love to win this book to help my sewing skills get better!
I also follow your blog and have google reader, and follow you on twitter (although I haven't figured out the tweetin yet:)!)
Sounds like a GREAT book! I love the bags that you both made! I also love that you can still be a beginner at sewing and use the book!
I have maybe an ounce of sewing experience…. when I was younger I could sew pillow cases and then stuff them with stuffing. That was it. I cross-stitched a little, but maybe like 2 things.
I am reeeaally wanting a sewing machine! When we move into a new place I'm looking to get a used one and hopefully some awesome books like this one that would give me amazing patterns to follow!
So lacking in sewing skills, but want them so bad. My mother tried to teach me–it didn't work. We do not think the same way…I guess I need to take a class. 🙂
This sounds SO FUN – and I love your bag (said with a northern accent). 🙂 I'd love to learn to sew, and I'd love a copy of the book!
Also, I subscribe to your blog in Google Reader!
You guys are too cute! I would love the book! I haven't started using my sewing machine yet, maybe this is the reason to start.
I follow this blog religiously;o)
Love the video sat and giggled rightwith both of you!!!! xoxoxo Mom
My sewing experiences these days involve sewing my daughter's Brownie patches on her vest. I sewed a few projects when I was younger, and would love to get into it again. However, life (and my four kids) keep getting in the way!
I spent the day sewing bucket hats for our trip to San Diego!
I have very little sewing experience, but somehow managed to be dubbed one of the costumer's for a musical I was in this past spring! But I'd love to learn how to do more crafty things in the home =)
And I'm already subscribed! 🙂
I have only done sewing in school many years ago but would so love to get back into it now. Thanks for the chance to win.
Cheers Sally
I love to sew. I have never sewn purses though. Usually just quilts, blankets, curtains, and the occasional dress for one of my daughter. I love to sew though it helps me relax. The book sounds very interesting.
Tweeted this! And following (petuniasays)!
I follow, too! I'd so loove to have this book, if only so I can make that adorable bag. =)
I would love to win!! Love your video!
Thanks –
Heidi P.
I would love a copy. I've done some sewing, have a machine, but haven't touched it since I have had kids… Would be great to get back!
I'm 29 now and have been sewing since high school! Cute story…
I married my high school boyfriend and my first sewing project back in high school was a pair of boxers (underwear) for him. They had teddy bears all over them. I couldn't figure out how to do the very necessary hole in the front so I just left it out! LOL! He still has the boxers today, although he doesn't wear them. I thought it would be fun to keep them to show the grandkids. I do have to say though, that my sewing skills have much improved since then!
I became a public follower of your blog
I have added you on my list of blogs to read on Google Reader
You gals did a great job! That book looks great!
What a great giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win! Your bad turned out great!!!!!!
Cute book & loved the video. Not much of a sewer; crosstitching is more my speed. But maybe this book would bring out the inner seamstress that is lurking in there somewhere.
I have a sewing machine, and have done some very rudimentary alterations to my daughter's pants (taking in the waist). I want to learn, however, and had my mother-in-law help with sewing on a cute applique on a t-shirt.
Looks like a GREAT book! Sewing experience? Got hooked in 7th grade home-ec many long years ago. I make costumes for the local community theatre, make quilts, sew skirts and dresses for me and my daughters (though at 13 and 14yo they are "too cool" for mom made clothes)and for friends who have cute little girls. I just recently got hooked on making purses.
Oh my Word I need these books! I am a terrible seamstress, but I am willing to learn thanks for the chance!
I am subscribed to your blog as well! Thanks!
I don't know how to sew…I want to learn and would love a copy of this book!
I crochet…does that count…:-)
I am a follower…
I just tweeted about the giveaway. My name is MindyMay on tweeter. That just sounds weird … ha ha
I don't sew yet, but would love to *someday*!
and I have you on my google reader
yay! i subscribed to your blog…I am certainly not a seamstress, but love the bags!
yay! i subscribed to your blog…your little boy is too cute and i love the bags!
My mom was an expert seamstress, and since she passed away almost three years ago, I have had the urge to learn this craft she loved so much. I have taught myself the basics, and now just need to keep practicing! A few weeks ago, I actually went home and came back with HER sewing machine. I'm waiting for the perfect opportunity to use it. I'd LOVE the book so I can get it out and use it!
and now I'm a follower of you blog too. 🙂
That bag is great. I am not a great sewer but can sew some. Would love a copy of the book. Thanks
thisday at ne dot rr dot com
I also follow your blog!
thisday at ne dot rr dot com
I would love to win won!!! I am just starting to get into sewing and the prospects of what is out there, but a book would sure help.
I would be an intermediate but that is okay…everyone one as some point 🙂
I've been sewing for a couple of months now and would love to learn how to re-purpose old material! Thanks for the giveaway.
i would love this book. this is my first time on your site, very cool! pretty please with a cherry on top pick me!
lindsey wolosiewicz
I made a quilt one time with ALOT of help from a friend. I would love to try and make this bag. Very cute!
I love Amanda Soule! I took a few sewing classes in college but haven't done much since. This summer I've totally renewed my love for beautiful fabrics and lovely projects. I even made a little sewing "room" in our guest bedroom closet! It would be a lot of fun to tackle Amanda's projects in this book – sounds like a lot of fun!
I would love this. I'm glad to hear that you are as "ungifted" at sewing as I am and yet you could still make the bag (cute fabric choice by the way). Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow your blog.
Great purse should make me one! Very impressive!
I wish I could sew, my Mom is an amazing seamstress but so far I have not been able to follow in her footsteps. Maybe this book would be a good start.
it's nice that there are books that give you a boost so you can go over your limits and try new stuff. and i guess that's what this book is about. i would love it and treasure it.
I don't have much experience sewing but I would love to give it a try! Thanks!
I just left the last comment, accidentally, as my husband :-). Greg actually doesn't sew at all, thankfully, but I think he would appreciate me learning to so I can stop spending ridiculous amount of money on handbags that I can make for $10 – who hoo!
Would love this book, I would like to think I am crafty enough to make one of those cute bags. they are too cute.
I tweeted also…
I would love a copy of the book! In my 7th grade sewing class I made a pair of shorts that were WAY too big and a tank top that was WAY too small! I can sew a pretty decent quilt though.
I love making things homemade…
I have 0 sewing experience but have always wanted to learn!
Oh, and I just became a follower!
I made a quilt when I was in High School. It actually turned out quite nicely. Now I have it tucked away so it doesn't get ruined. Dumb, huh? A lot of good that quilt is doing me. 🙂
Would love to win a book!
And I just became a follower. Love your blog!
Love your blog. I too would love to have a sewing machine with the book as I have the craving, yet do not own one. About to have our fourth child in four weeks, so learning to make thing Handmade Home…would be great!
following your blog on Google Reader. 🙂
I have a sewing machine. That's my experience. Now my HUSBAND is the sewer in our family 😉 He sewed our little girls 100 good wishes quilt top! I am so proud!
I have no sewing skills…can't even sew on a button straight! BUT I would LOVE to learn!
I tweeted about your give away!
-Amy Starnes
I follow your blog regularly!
-Amy Starnes
LOVE those bags!
-Amy Starnes
Wow sounds like such a good book! Would love to have one.
ohh I get to leave two comments as I have you in my google reader!!
I would love to win this book! I just got my first sewing machine, so I'm definitely a beginner. Up to this point, all I've sewn are buttons and seams. Kinda sad… So I would love to get ideas for real projects!
You are so cute. I love the way you said bag and you're from WI, I'm from MN, so you made me feel at home. About being creative, I'm not. I could cry. I try to be. But I live with boys so maybe they wouldn't even notice? I should do it for me. I hope I win, maybe I could start to be creative.
i commented on angie's blog, but since you girls said we could enter on both, i thought i would go for one of your "extra" chances. so now i follow your blog! i had been reading it some through angie's for a little while anyway, but now i can keep up even more 🙂
I love to sew and would be honored to win this book for my very own. I learned how to sew from watching my Dad and then while in 4-H then in home-ec. I make my own curtains because I can't find ones I like or can afford in the stores.
Want to learn to sew soon…love all the projects I see!
Amy in CA
I'd love one please!!:)
Jenn from NE
Wow you and Angie have some dedicated readers! You have lots of comments to go through…I wondered how you did being a beginner because I am definitely not advanced either. Do you and Angie give classes? Ha ha thanks for posting free give aways especially for stay at home moms like myself living on one income this is pretty cool, even if I dont win!
In HIS Joy,
just learning to sew and made a cute, cute dress with coordinating shorts!! love the bags y'all made!!!
Oooh! I soo want a copy of this book!
I like sewing, though I'll admit I'm much more enamored of the final results than the process. I'm pretty good at making things look nice from far away, but my seams are never straight or neat. Curtains and table runners are my favorite things to make.
I follow your blog
I subscribe at katwalck at hotmail dot com
I did my first sewing project in July. I appliqued shirts for all three of my kids, and since then I've made an apron that I adore. We're planning on doing a homemade Christmas, getting away from commercialism and all of that, and this book would be a welcome addition to the ideas I have brewing! =)
I have found that I like to sew off the top of my head without a pattern. Things seem to work better that way…though no matter how many times I measure it still comes out wrong. Oh, well!
I also follow your blog
and I subscribe to it. 😉
So cute! I am a beginner too–I've pretty much only ever sewn quilts, and I have a tough time sewing a straight line. 🙂 It would be fun to win this.
I love Amanda's blog and work. I sewed a lot when I was in middle and high school…tailored clothing, no less. However, I find it a chore to lug out the machine these days, because i don't have a dedicated space to sew in in our current home. I hope to sew more when my toddler becomes a little more independent (starts school?—I hope I don't have to wait that long!). Right now knitting and crocheting are a little easier to fit into stolen moments, in the car on long rides or after baby goes to bed.
I can sew pretty much anything square or rectangle shaped: curtains, pillowcases, blankets…and that's pretty much it:) But hey, I can knit a mean pair of baby pants!
I am a rotten seamstress but my husband is very handy with the needle and thread. He is constantly putting me to shame!
I love projects! I'm definately a beginner… and need some motivation and inspiration which this book may give! Both these books look great, I'm going to look up the first one also but would LOVE a copy of the second! Thanks for sharing them (:
I became a blog follower (:
I am now following you on twitter and sent tweet for contest via @mommyof3gifts!
Great bags you made! I started learning to sew years ago, and then I moved to Alaska and didn't have my sewing machine for over 7 years. I finally have it again, and I'd love to re-learn how to do some easy projects.