1. Glad it worked out! Let's hope this works for me once again when we head back to Oshkosh from Myrtle Beach.

  2. Jessica….Ok get rid of that shirt he looks like hes about 6 in it…not my little 1 yr old grandson 🙂 xoxoxo Mom

  3. Glad you had a fun and safe trip! I love pictures of sleeping babies!

    Also, I featured The Mom Creative on my blog, Beautiful Blog Designs. Take a look when you have a chance. 🙂

  4. What car seat did you end up getting? I'm in the process of finding a new car seat for Lucas and I was reading back on your old post where everyone was giving you suggestions between the britax and true fit (that's what I'm debating between too!) but I couldn't find the follow up post that said which one you choosed! 🙂

    that doesn't look like a britax to me so I'm guessing the other one?

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