1. Jessica..the article is great..I read your blog but have never commented..in fact..I am the one who stopped your husband in Kroger awhile back..much to my childrens chagrin : ) You all are great and are doing a fabulous job with Elias ! Enjoy him !

    Erin Timmis

  2. Jessica, Saw the article this morning. Do you teach at scrapbook stores? I am co-owner of Greenbrier, TN. Would love to have you visit our store.

  3. That's awesome! Good for you!! I'm going to sign up for your class, but I don't have any little ones, so I thought I would just change it a bit and scrap book my daughters first year at college!

  4. Jessica…I made a comment on your blog this morning and now I'm getting all your comments on Scrappuccino's email. Not sure sure what happened.


  5. Jessica, I just signed up for your class. My husband and I just had our 3rd child this summer. I'm looking forward to some quick and easy ideas to tell his story!


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