MOPS Recap… Or, I Love Christy Nockels
On Saturday, I went to the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) convention. (I know, I am actually not yet a MOP, but I will be soon enough). My friend Twila, who works for the MOPS publisher, was kind enough to get me a ticket. It was an awesome day. I worshiped, shopped, hung out with Angie (who joined me for the afternoon) and was so refreshed. It is rare that I take a day out for me, with no agenda other than to connect with others and dwell at the feet of the Lord for extended periods of time. I left hungry for more… and compelled to share some of my reflections with you.
The highlight of the day was without question, Christy Nockels.
In case you forgot, I LOVE Christy Nockels. Though she isn’t much older than me, I wish she could be my mentor. I find her so refreshing… her heart for the Lord, her sweet spirit and her gift for worship.
If you follow me on Twitter, then you know that I was planning to go to her main worship set on Thursday night. However, I had to work late and didn’t get to go. I was so bummed. Needless to say I was beyond thrilled that she actually was leading worship ALL WEEKEND, so I got to hear her TWICE on Saturday.
Be still my heart.
Stillness was actually not possible… I was too overwhelmed.
Anointed is really the only word I can use to describe Christy. I have been fortunate to have come to the Lord’s feet numerous times through her live worship – and through her albums.
This weekend was no different.
I think my life circumstances made my worship experience more powerful.
I am a mommy now.
My priorities have shifted.
I am more overwhelmed by life.
I understand more of what it means that God, as my FATHER, loves me, for I am now a mother, madly in love with my son. (Which is something we have been discussing in our Crazy Love discussion too!)
And singing with Christy was some of the most powerful time I have had with God in a LONG time.
Since we can’t all experience Christy here on the blog, video is the next best thing. 🙂 If you have a few minutes, and you are a mom, take some time and watch these videos from Christy. I believe they will resonate with you, as they did me. They are not of her singing, but of her chatting about life as a mom and a daughter of God.
Being A Mom {Part 1} from christy nockels on Vimeo.
Being A Mom {Part 2} from christy nockels on Vimeo.
Some truths Christy shares:
- By the holy spirit, I can be the wife and mother God has called me to be.
- I must invite the glorious into the mundane – this truth is something that I need to hear and be reminded of every single day. It resonated with me the first time I watched this video a few months ago, and then Christy reminded the MOPS moms of it again.
- Psalm 37:4-7: The Lord can be trusted to give us the desires of our heart. He has dreams and plans for our life.
- God has given us desires and dreams before the beginning of time – a cause. He will make that cause shine. This is so freeing, as a mom and a woman, that God has called us to be where we are.
- God planned for me to be Elias’s mother, and has given me everything I need to mother him – and the same is true for you.
- Sometimes, it seems that no one else can appreciate and see the little victories, but God does, and he cares and his faithful.
- As you commit to the Lord in the small things and the mundane, I must remember that God is at work.
I need to invite the glorious into the mundane.
Do you?
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Thanks Jessica. I needed this today. Be well.
Wow, she is awesome and anointed! Thanks for sharing this word I needed today!
okay, I had never heard of Christy before, and I am SO glad that you shared this with all of us! amazing words, coming from an amazing spirit. so much to take in, I may just watch the videos over and over a few times! 🙂
thanks Jessica for allowing the Holy Spirit to express this through you and Christy today…
Amanda Fogarty
I so wanted to go to convention this year but our leadership goes every other year. Oh, well…next time! She does rock!
Hi Jessica!
I can't tell you how much I needed to hear this today. Thanks so much for sharing! It was definitely a God thing that I stopped by to "visit" you today! 😉
Have a great week!
Love, Kristin
Thanks for this. I needed it. I watched it while my baby was playing, so I need to watch it again when he naps so I can take it in better. 🙂
Great things to think about.
I try and I will always try to 🙂 x
thank you so much for sharing…I was so blessed. I weeped. And I put the videos on my blog too. THANK YOU.
Thank you so very much for sharing this with us today. Like so many others who have said the same, I NEEDED to hear this today. She hit the nail on the head for sure!! I am going to share these with several of my friends who are also moms. Thanks so much!!!
Thank you so much for that post! It hit right to where God has been breaking me of my past regret. Amen!
Thank you so much for sharing this with your blog readers. I love this. I too wish I could have been there at the MOPS convention. I was so inspired by the two video clips of Christy that you shared with us I put them on my blog as well. Thanks so much for the encouragement.
I love Christy Nockels. And have for such a long time. Its been her and her husband's music that has left an imprint on my life that is hard to explain in a little comment box. 🙂
And as for your question, yes. I do need to invite the glorious into the mundane. I'm not a mom though I would love to be. Nonetheless, at this time in my life in particular, I definitely need to.
Thanks for posting this. Christy is so anointed, and so down to earth as a mom as well! ps. MOPS is for moms birth through kindy, so what are you waiting for??
Thanks for sharing….I LOVE Christy Nockels, too, and have listened to her music for years. My children are a year or two older than hers, so I feel like we're at the same stages in life. As much as I've sung along with her music over the years, I've never seen her in person. This was a great glimpse into who she is…..beyond the music. And like you said…annointed. Loved the message.
I still like to think that I'm going to sing like her in my next life. 😉
Wow – that was awesome. I do love Christy's music and her gentleness of spirit. I really enjoyed the different take she had on Psalm 37 – what a wonderful perspective she shared. Also, inviting the glorious into the mundane is something I so long for – I will be intentional about doing that today. Many blessings!