1. At our zoo, the monkeys that whoop and holler (can't remember their names) are by far the most entertaining. My favorites though are the sea lions. What a life.

    Let us know how it is. We like to visit different museums when we vacation. Have fun!

  2. I've always loved the giraffes and elephants but my all time fave is Mzuri. He is Melbourne Zoo's (Australia) most famous gorilla. I used to have a poster of him when I was younger!!

  3. Always the elephants! But now they are gone from the Philly Zoo. 🙁 They are expecting a baby orang. this fall, you should come up and visit!

  4. Penguins! We don't visit the zoo very often, but whenever we do, I go out of my way to find the penguin exhibit – I just LOVE watching them waddle around awkwardly and honk at each other. SO CUTE! <3

  5. I used to take my little one to the zooo when he was just a few months old. We lived right down the street. I loved to sit and watch the elephants and pretend my little guy was getting an education at the same time!

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