1. This book sounds like something I need! I think the only area of my home that is organized is my scrapbooking supplies and I think that is only because I don't get to scrapbook much at home so I keep it all packed up for crops. My home looks good from the outside but if you start to go through my closets and cupboards you must be careful because a pile of stuff may fall on you.


  2. It totally clicked when she said "If we want to follow our children about, all the way to college."

    We have a 2 year old and an 11 year old. Right now I can barely keep up with our 11 year old's schedule, homework, and helping him stay organized? Forget about it! Between balancing his projects and homework with the needs of a two year old while making dinner after a long day at work…I need major organizational help!

  3. I NEED this book! And we have to pick one area to work on? How about my LIFE! I can't explain to you how unorganized I am. And I try so hard to be organized…my husband is a very organized person and I know I get on his nerves, but he is a very patient person and he loves me anyway

  4. I have organization problems in all areas but the worst is my closets! That's where everything gets shoved when we have company.

  5. And a fan on FB!!!

    My biggest unorganized area is my kitchen! We use the garage to enter and exit our home and there is no place other than my teeny tiny laundry room to hide purses and bags…terribly unorganized!!!

  6. My office space at home. It becomes the catch all room and is always a a mess. I could really use some help.

  7. I know this book will be a HUGE help once we receive our baby… I try to always be on top of things, but with working, keeping the house clean, and a baby.. Any help I can get will be wonderful !!!

  8. My most unorganized area is my scrapbook room. When I get a few minutes to enjoy my hobby, who wants to waste it organizing :o)

  9. Oh my, I NEED this too 🙂 We are trying to declutter/organize/pack up all our belongings to be ready to show our house in preparation for sale/moving in the Spring.

    It is truly overwhelming 🙁

    It's hard to teach your kids to be organized when you can't manage it yourself.



  10. I think I'm a fairly organized person but since I have been pregnant, I have definitely had mommy-brain! I could use general tips on coping with this change in order to stay on top of things!

    andreaandtyler [at] hotmail.com

  11. I have just started having organizing issues with Cristian's stuff. Everything from his first year has been placed in air-tight storage bags and is in my mom's attic! Now, I have no idea how to oraganize all his toys and still have room for any Christmas additions. This book would really help.

  12. I really need help in our office/guest bedroom. It looks like a bomb exploded in there. Everytime someone comes to visit, I stuff everything in the closets or wherever it'll fit. It hasn't really been cleaned in a long time.


  13. I could use this book. I've tried to set up places for my kids' school stuff, but their things never end up there. It's not working for me or them.

  14. The most unorganized area of my house is the master bedroom. Everything gets dumped there to get it out of the way in our main living area. It's alway the last room to get attention, so I could use help on how to keep things neat and organized there.

  15. I could seriously use help organizing all the paperwork that tends to pile up on our desk, my sewing table, the bookshelf, the kitchen table…

  16. I definitely need to start working with my three year old on picking up his toys. I am constantly cleaning up his messes.

  17. Hello! I love your blog. Organization is something I really need to work on! My car, my closet, getting things ready for soccer, school, preschool. Oh the list is endless!

  18. OMGosh! Right now..my ENTIRE HOUSE! A year ago we moved from a 1900 sq.ft house to a 850 sq.ft apt/townhome to be near fam. when we had our babe, now almost 10 months. I've always had a prob. with organization…but it seems especially hard for me when I don't have enough space to put even the spices!

  19. I'm a paper piler. If there's an empty flat surface in my home, I'll probably place mail there or books or magazines, etc. I put away eventually but not before it becomes a pile.

  20. I have a drawer in my kitchen that is unorganized, everything gets thrown in there when I am doing a quick clean up!

  21. with a 3 year old and a newborn i feel like EVERY area of my life is disorgnaized right now! 🙂 thanks for the great contests!

    lissalists (at) gmail

  22. This book sounds wonderful and I could definitely use it. My problem area right now is our office/dining room area and the kids playroom.

  23. What a great book to help with organization and trying to help my 4 children get organized while they are young!! I need help organizing my crafting supplies!!

  24. Our office needs organizing…the closets too…oh, and the kitchen…and I WANT my children to learn to be organized!!

  25. I so need this book! I need help organizing my entire life. My office, my scrapbook space, the school room. Everywhere needs some form of organizing!

  26. Jessica you really are rocking with great giveaways this week!!

    As I'm a stay at home Mum (for now) I've got a fair bit of time so I'm not insanely running around like working Mums, but I really agree that "teaching our children to organise their own space, belongings and day is a lifetime gift". And I surely don't want to be following my son to college picking up after him, that sad part there is that I would too!

    I have a bunch of unorganised areas, the garage and closet are the worst!

  27. I really should just buy this book. . . I'm pretty organized for myself, but you add kids to the mix and wowsa. . . it is a life gift that my mom has no idea how I got.

  28. This is bizarre because my husband and I just had an organizing "discussion" LAST night (right after he carried the huge garbage can up to our daughters room) I had just said that we really needed to teach her how to organize-not just pick up for her or have her throw things in her closet. It is a crazy mess (and she is only 8!!!) I DEFINITELY could use this book!!

  29. This will definitely come in handy as my little girl gets bigger. Even if I don't win I may have to check this out. 🙂

  30. my desk at home…everything goes on when i don't know what else to do with it.

    would love this book!

  31. My biggest organizational challenge is my kids' school stuff! My second son is in school now, too, and I am just overwhelmed with how much paperwork and artwork comes home. I am always late returning permission slips, or I miss events, because I can't keep track of it all. HELP! 🙂

    Amanda Fogarty
    Carmel, Maine

  32. My oldest just started kindergarden and I'm having a terrible time with the influx of school paperwork/projects/homework, etc. Help!

  33. My biggest problem area is the children's "school" stuff. We have six children and we homeschool. With all the different ages of books and curriculum, the science experiments, art supplies, toddler toys, etc, I can't shovel fast enough to keep us from getting buried.


  34. Besides my mind? I think my biggest area that needs organizing is my office. I feel buried in paper clutter.

  35. Besides my mind? I think my biggest area that needs organizing is my office. I feel buried in paper clutter.

    I'm a blog follower.

  36. Besides my mind? I think my biggest area that needs organizing is my office. I feel buried in paper clutter.

    I'm a facebook fan.

  37. Our playroom is a disaster! I don't know what to do with all the games, puzzles, books, art supplies, Barbies, cars, blocks, DVDs, etc. that are strewn about that room. Thanks for the chance to win.

  38. Wow! Hadn't checked your blog in a little bit…come on here and you are giving away a book I so desperately need right now! Thanks so much for the chance to win! Hope I can see the insides of this little goody real soon! Blessings!

  39. Oopsie! Forgot to share my organizational challenge right now…it would have to be my homeschool stuff…then our closets…with 5 kids, things don't seem to stay organized for very long. How do I get the family to jump on board when I get something organized to keep it up? Hope the answer is in these pages! Blessings!

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