1. I think myth #5 hits home for me. I am a new parent, and there are moments when I think that I am doing something wrong… all the time.
    Sounds like a good book to encourage any parent!

  2. Myth #6 resonates with me. Always wondered how to successfully "be God" to my children until they're old enough to be transferred over to the Real Thing.

  3. I think myth #5 is the one I currently struggle the most with. Surely I'm doing something wrong if I can't get my 2 year old to stop throwing her sippy cup on the floor all the time! Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. "Myth 8: Successful parents produce Godly children: The danger of making too much of ourselves and too little of God" resonates most with me. As a new parent, my heart's greatest desire is for my daughter to know Jesus intimately and to live a Godly life.

  5. #1 myth–it certainly does not make everything fine and dandy, though parenting is one of God's great blessing–He still has to be our number one.

  6. #3… life just feels messier than what this myth implies… but I often still believe that myth. Excited about this giveaway!

  7. It's so funny you posted this. I was seriously JUST thinking a blog post in my head about how I am struggling in my parenting of my toddler. God must be trying to say something to me lol. I've realized that I'm "better" at the baby years (the nurturing, no talking back, not needing to really discipline yet, etc.). I'm struggling with knowing how to parent my 2.5 year old effectively and in a healthy way. So, right now I'm most identifying with the myth that parenting comes instinctively.

    I need this book! Thanks for the opportunity!


  8. I don't currently have any children, but My Husband and I are in the process of trying. I'm sure this book would be very helpful to us, since we have no idea what to expect anyway.

  9. Myth 4: Good parenting leads to happy children:

    I have a child that is "difficult" to parent and often seems to be angry, defiant and just all around hard to deal with.

    It has been very tough for me understand how she can still be this way even when I am consist with disciple and attempt to give her things and do things with her that she enjoys, but she makes it so difficult.

  10. As a new mom, myth #5 really jumped out at me: If you find parenting difficult, you must not be following the right plan: learning to rely on God rather than formulas. Although they all sound interesting.

  11. I forgot to say which one resonates – all of them, but mostly #3. I subscribe in Google Reader, by the way!

  12. Myth 3: Parenting is your highest calling: how pursuing God first frees us to love our children more – really stands out to me because not everyone is able or chooses to have children and I don't feel that they are necessarily missing God's calling!

    andreaandtyler [at] hotmail [dot] com

  13. wow! sounds like a great book that I need to read! The myth about us representing Jesus to our kids is one that I need to read.

  14. I guess #6…but I do think I do represent Jesus to my child…God can be used through and by me to show my babe his love and who He is…so I don't think I agree with the myth….but maybe I need to win the book to really read what she is talking about….? 🙂

  15. I'm a blog follower…
    myth #6…I'm not sure i agree with myth but…like i said before…maybe i need to win it to read it to get it! 🙂

  16. I think #3 resonates with me the most. I fall into this pattern of thinking. A. lot. And I do think it is a high calling, but it probably really is not the HIGHEST calling on my life.

  17. I wanna read this book! I really need to learn more about all of them but I'd say myth #5 hits home the most. My children are like night & day and have been since the minute they were both born. They're 13 months & 3 days apart. My daughter is a girl (read: drama queen) but my son is an all around handful! We just can't seem to break through his trantrums and he's 6! It's hard not to feel completely responsible. I'm starting to realize though that it's mostly out of my hands. :/ Thank you for offering this give away!

  18. #4 "Good parenting leads to happy kids" sounds interesting to me…my kids seem pretty happy now, but I am contstantly worried that I will make mistakes that will affect them.

  19. Myth #6–There are those days that if I am Jesus to my kids, they are going to run from Him as fast as they can as soon as they can.

    Thanks for the giveaway. Either way I am getting this book. It sounds GREAT!!

  20. #8 hits home with me. I will go buy this book if I don't win! I am parenting two boys from my first marriage. Their dad has fallen away from God and any sort of morals that are Godly. It makes it a struggle when you have to fight the devil in every day life but it is even worse when sometimes it is your children's father 🙁

  21. Although I don't have any children yet, I look forward to that time in my life so much that I think I'm most susceptible to the myth that having children would make me feel happy & fulfilled.

  22. Do I get extra for being apart of Bloom…just teasing.

    Myth #5 is where I struggle. I have a pretty strong willed 3 year old daughter and I know God created her that way for a purpose but I feel like I didn't get the "memo" on how to handle her.

  23. The first one, though I know it isn't the truth, trips me up the most. Children are a true blessing, and bring joy, but are still very hard work to raise. You definitely need God's help.

  24. • Myth 2: Nurturing your children is natural and instinctive: why biblical love is so difficult to live out
    • Myth 4: Good parenting leads to happy children: exchanging shallow hopes for God’s deeper purposes

    Both of these really speak to me. I have a 9 year old son and still feel really lost about how to do all the things a "good parent" would do. I also worry if he's not happy all the time. Sounds like I should really read this book.


  25. Myth #8 hits hardest with me right now as a Momma of two 18 year olds that have struggled with drugs, teen pregnancy, dropping out of school, being arrested etc. I would love to have a chance to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. Myth #1 hits me right now. I am pregnant with our first child and I know how easy it will be for me to be wrapped up in the baby and forget God's purpose for us.

  27. •Myth 5: If you find parenting difficult, you must not be following the right plan: learning to rely on God rather than formulas

    This myth hit me the most. I try to do it on my own and figure it out on my own instead of asking God to take over 🙂 I wish I would just learn this already!!

  28. Myth 4 resonates with me the most. I feel like I'm struggling to find just the right way to discipline and encourage and reward our children. I spend more time finding the "next great method", and so much less time paying attention to how I'm modeling Christ's love to our children. Sounds like a great book and I'm sure God will use it to bless someone greatly.

  29. Myth # 8 – I always feel when my kids are having 'kid moments', ie tantrums, meltdowns, sassy talk,etc. that I am looked down upon. And when we go somewhere and I stress about how they are going to act, they tend to act out more. What I am learning is that if I dont expect the nightmare scenario, then it doesnt usually happen.

  30. Myth #2 is very true for me. I sometimes have such a hard time doing those things that seem so easy for other moms. I often need to just take a step back and rely on God for leading me as a parent as well as relying on Him to take care of my kids.

  31. And I'm not sure which myth is the one that I resonate to… seing as though I'd add another: If you don't LIKE your children ALL THE TIME you are obviously the worst mother in the world… but I can't think of what the TRUTH of that would be. :-/

    I'm interested to read the book… especially to find out what her view is on us representing (or not representing) Jesus…

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