16 Months
This is you right now.
Walking everywhere – sometimes a little unsteadily.
Living joyously.
But this is more how I see you sometimes, – a blur that is growing up so fast I can barely keep up.
Here are a few facts about you:
- You are saying: mama, dada, nana (for banana, Nana and Mama), sock, what’s that, no no, yeah
- You are wearing mostly 18 months, though some 12 months pants.
- When we say, “Elias, it’s time to go night night, you get up and walk to your bedroom.”
- You sleep with two or three stuffed animals every night. Your favorite is Cat (from Cat in the Hat)
- You love iphones and insist on getting Daddy’s every morning when we wake him up.
- You prefer to walk more than crawl now.
- You have the best laugh I have ever heard.
- You are very ticklish.
- When you know it is time to get out of the tub, you splash as hard as you can, as if to get in just a little more fun.
- Your favorite toy is your magnet leap frog farm on the fridge. You play with it all the time.You also love your wood train and stacking toys.
- You kick your feet whenever we get somewhere in the car because you know you get to get out of your car seat.
- You love your class at day care and don’t often cry when drop you off. In fact yesterday, you waved bye and went right on playing.
- You blow kisses when someone says I love you.
- You think Daddy is sooooo funny.
- You still prefer your milk in a bottle, though you are getting better with it in a sippy cup.
- You are our pride and joy.