Project Life Tuesday: Week One

I am so excited to bring you Project Life Tuesday! I am hoping that a community of Project Life/Project 365/Project 52 – whatever YOU are doing to chronicle 2010 will evolve here.
Below you can link up your Project Life Tuesday blog posts using the MckLinky. You will also be able to click through to see other people’s pictures, hopefully giving you inspiration and glimpses of other people’s takes on the project. I think this will also be a great source of accountability to keep going the whole year through! A couple things to remember.
- Be sure to link directly to your specific Project Life Tuesday post – and not just to your blog.
- Please link to this post somewhere in your post so your readers can see what others are doing with Project Life. I am hoping to get a button created so you can post that on your blogs, but haven’t been able to get that created just yet. 🙂 Maybe by next week.
Here are my pictures/journaling from the week. Also, since people always ask, I use these digital days of the week brushes on my photos. In Photoshop, I crop my photo to 6×4 at 300 dpi, then set the brush to 700 px (750 for Monday since it is smaller), then add the day to my photos before printing them. I am not a photoshop or brush expert, so I don’t know how these work in other programs…I just love how they look.
January 3 – Elias has become a signing pro. Here he is signing all done. I love that he is able to communicate better with us.
January 4 – I took apart Elias’s Baby Einstein jumper to put in storage and Elias had a ton of fun playing with it flat. He finds joy in so many little things. I love it.
January 5 – Yay! Project Life arrived today. I am so excited to embark on another year of capturing our family’s daily life.
January 6 – This is our living room on a daily basis – Elias’s toys dumped out and strewn everywhere.
January 7 – Matthew took this shot as he was leaving our condo to pick up Elias at 2:30. Daycare closed early because of accumulation of snow. Are you kidding me? The roads were just wet!
January 8 – I was in Denver for the day directing a graduation photo shoot. Dana caught me working with the coordinator to make sure we didn’t miss any kids.
January 9 – Elias loves to color. He was slamming the markers so hard and so fast on his paper, my camera lens couldn’t even focus!