Yay! Project Life
Tuesday now has a button. Please post this button on your Project Life Tuesday posts – and on your blog too, if you wish. This will help other people learn about this great project. Thanks to Sara who helped me with the code.
<center><a href=”https://jessicanturner.com/search/label/Project%20Life%20Tuesday”><img src=”http://lh5.ggpht.com/_lCeOMfY0_fQ/S1DkDGc0AhI/AAAAAAAADXg/RZkIc0_7gQ4/s800/ProjectLifeTuesdayButton.jpg” /></a></center>
On with my pictures from the week!
Sunday, January 10 – Elias is getting so big! I can’t believe it. He is always on the go. I wanted to do a mini photo shoot with him this morning, but I barely got 10 pictures. He was laughing and squirming way too much!
Monday, January 11 – Today I went to the SoFresh social media conference here in Nashville. It is fun to learn about how companies large and small are integrating social media into their marketing plans. I also enjoyed hanging out with a group of Nashville bloggers.
Tuesday, January 12 – Matthew began packing tonight for Uganda. Some of the things he had to purchase included bug spray with deet, granola bars, a hat, sunscreen and walking shoes.
Wednesday, January 13 – Matthew’s mom arrived today to help me with Elias while Matthew is gone. He had had so much fun with her – especially reading together!
Thursday, January 14 – Matthew left for Uganda today. It is the longest we have ever been apart since getting married. I am going to miss him terribly.(instead of a picture I am including Matthew’s itinerary)
Friday, January 15 – Matthew arrived in Uganda today. The hotel is near Lake Victoria and very pretty. There are also monkeys running around outside of it!
Saturday, January16 – This fish was one of Matthew’s first meals in Uganda. Not quite what he was expecting.
If you are doing Project Life, please join us in linking your post today! Be sure to include the Project Life Tuesday button on your post. I look forward to checking out your pictures. xo