Remodeling the Bathroom
We have wanted to remodel our main bathroom for a couple years, but have never gotten around to it.
Home ownership is like that, isn’t it?
However, we are hoping to put our condo on the market this summer, so we are buckling down to get some of those home improvement projects done. The biggest one is remodeling the bathroom.
We need to do the following:
- Strip the wallpaper
- Texture the walls (because the wallpaper has destroyed the drywall and no amount of patching will make the walls perfect again)
- Paint the ceiling and walls
- Rip out the vanity and sink
- Put in a new vanity and sink
- Rip out the toilet
- Put it a new toilet
Matthew is extremely talented in a lot of areas, but home improvement is not one of those areas.
Thankfully, my future brother-in-law, Dan, and Dad are both very handy… The down-side is that they live in Wisconsin.
Dan and Melissa are coming visit this weekend and they are going to help us! I am so thankful. They are going to help us with the walls, rip out the vanity/sink and put in a new one. My dad is coming down in spring and will do the toilet and a few other projects.
I am VERY excited. I know I am going to wish we had done it years ago!
The wallpaper has probably taken us about 12 hours to strip.
And it is not a big bathroom.
I started it when Matthew was in Uganda and just finished this week.
It was two layers and the first layer was glued directly on un-primed drywall.
I tried everything:
- M-1 remover
- fabric softener mixed with hot water
- a steamer from Home Depot
The best approach ended up being to pull it off totally dry. It has been a nightmare.
I will never, ever buy a house that has wallpaper in it.
Never. Ever. EVER.
Do you have a horrible wallpaper story? Please share. Misery loves company. 🙂