Confession: Parenting Books Addiction
I confess:
I love buying parenting books.
I also confess:
Most of them, I do not read.
Does anyone else have this problem?
I think it has something to do with the fact that I buy most of them at this gi-normous used book store called McKays. Usually I just trade other books for books I don’t have – and many happen to be parenting books.
But, when I have time to read, I usually find myself reading fiction.
However, lately I have been delving into a few of them. I usually just read relevant sections, but I think that is okay. Here are the ones I have been enjoying:
- Miss Poppy’s Guide to Raising Perfectly Happy Children – This is written by an English nanny and it is practical and simply lovely. Plus it has a very pretty design, which makes me happy. And it is like a penny on Amazon. 🙂
- More than Manners: Raising Today’s Kids to Have Kind Manners & Good Hearts: My mom was always a fan of Letitia Baldridge. As a mother, I now see why.
- Healthy Child, Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home: I have had this book for a while and keep picking it back up. It is fascinating.
- Mama’s Little Book of Tricks: Keep the Kids Entertained!: I love all the activities outlined in this book. I know I will use it for many years to come.
- The Toddler’s Busy Book: Lots of fun and easy activities in this book too.
- What the Bible is All About for Moms – Matthew and I have had the pleasure of getting to know the written of this devotional, Kathy Pride, and she is a gem. I think all moms would enjoy this book. Watch for a special giveaway of this book later this week!
A few that I haven’t read, but own and plan to read someday:
- Mommy Grace: Erasing Your Mommy Guilt: I think every mom experiences Mommy Guilt sometimes. I know I will need to read the words in the book. I probably do already.
- Too Much of a Good Thing: Raising Children of Character in an Indulgent Age: This book looks fascinating to me. It is by the same author as Raising Cain, which is also sitting on my bookshelf.
- The Price of Privilege: How Parental Pressure and Material Advantage are Creating a Generation of Disconnected and Unhappy Kids: Like the one above, I think this topic is so interesting. We certainly don’t live a lavish life, but Elias doesn’t want for much. Matthew and I often talk about ways to be sure that he is not given too much. We don’t want him to be greedy. We want him to care more about God and people than possessions.
- Right from Wrong: Instilling a Sense of Integrity in Your Child
- The Mommy Manual: Planting Roots that Give Your Children Wings
- That’s My Son: How Moms Can Influence Boys to Become Men of Character: I think this book will be especially interesting because it is written by a man
What parenting books to you love?