Project Life Tuesday

Welcome to Project Life Tuesday! If you are new to The Mom Creative, each Tuesday, I share my pictures from my Project Life album – a photo a day for all of 2010, and readers are invited to link to their blog posts that share their photos. My only requests are a) that you link back to The Mom Creative or post the Project Life Tuesday button on your blog/in your post and b) that you link your actual Project Life Tuesday post in the Simply Linked widget – not your blog homepage.
Here’s my week!
Sunday, April 4- We got to church extra early, just in case it was a mob scene. It wasn’t. So I took a few pictures. I wish I would have taken more. Elias was so sweet in his Ralph Lauren button up.
Monday, April 5- My parents stopped over Monday morning to say good bye. Elias and Papa had fun playing with Elias’s sticker book before they left.
Tuesday, April 6- Today I received a package with BIC’s newest permanent markers and a challenge to make something creative with them. (I have been working hard on a project since then!)
Wednesday, April 7- Elias is fabulous at puzzles. He can put them all together with ease now, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to play with them.
Thursday, April 8- A nurse came to our house tonight to take blood and do some simple tests for our new life insurance policy. Matthew hates blood and gets major white coat syndrome when he has his blood pressure taken, so she had him lay on the couch. I laughed and photographed it all.
Friday, April 9- Elias was a bit fiesty this morning. To distract him, I pulled out a pot and a wooden spoon and let him bang away. He thought it was so cool. He even dragged the pot into the living room to show Daddy.
Saturday, April 10 – Elias had a birthday party today for his friends Matthew and Will. I had to wake him from his nap to go, so he was a bit moody at the party. He did love the ball pit though and eating chocolate cake. He also had his first chocolate milk!
Your turn! (MckLinky was down, so I hope this works okay!)