A Day at the Pool (Photo Heavy!)
One of the benefits of our condo community is that it has a pool! It just opened up, so we took advantage of the 90 degree weather yesterday and took Elias swimming. (I, of course, took A LOT of photos!)
Elias LOVED the pool. At first I think it was a little cold and he wasn’t sure what to think about it, but within about three minutes, he was happy as could me. He giggled and giggled with Matthew and loved throwing the water balls out of his float. It was a great afternoon.
And if you are a mom who hates herself in a swimming suit, I just want to remind you to not sacrifice memories with your kids! Read this post for more of my thoughts of this…
Matthew’s parents, sister Lis and her 18-month-old son Christian are coming today to visit for a week, so I am sure we will be taking lots more pool pictures in the days to come. The boys are going to have so much fun together!
What did you do this weekend?