FREE Photo Book on Tuesday – Make it NOW
So on Tuesday, May 18, will be offering a FREE 4×4 hardcover photo book.
I would totally recommend creating that book this weekend because I guarantee their site will be running slow on the 18th from 8 am to 10 pm EST. So, get your book done and saved so all you have to do is order it on the 18th.
Make sense?
I will definitely be making mine this weekend. I think I may make a mini book of my favorite photos of Matthew and Elias for Father’s Day or an Easter book since I took so many cute pictures of Elias!
Shipping will be discounted to $1.99 and you can order two books (the second book will be full price though)! The coupon code to use is PROMO4X4.
You also will get 25 free prints when you sign up for an account on
Go sign up and get started today!