I Will Carry You
Today is my dear friend Angie Smith’s birthday, so in honor of it, I wanted to share with you my thoughts about her first book, I Will Carry You.
As someone who has always loved books, I never thought I would be married to an author or have so many friends who were authors. These books by people I love and admire have a special place in my heart -and on our bookshelves. They poignantly share truth and their stories. They are scrapbooks of sorts.
I Will Carry You is one such book.
I read I Will Carry You right before I left for the Dominican Republic. I read it in two sittings. It was powerful to read Angie’s words and how she articulated her pregnancy, birth and grieving process because I was there when there were few words.
I remember holding her hand.
praying together.
hugging – our swollen pregnant bellies pressed against one another.
crying together.
I also remember being the friend who blogged – showing Angie how to use Blogger, reading comments together and watching as millions of people were drawn to her words and love for the Lord.
I remember being the friend that was the organizer – meals, cards for Audrey’s memorial service, etc.
I remember learning how to help and love someone through grief I had never known.
But more than any of that, I remember watching God use Angie and Todd to tell a story of faith, hope and love, and learning how to better love God because of my friend’s faithfulness.
I Will Carry You is not a book just for people who have experienced the loss of a child.
It is for all people.
Because all of us will one day find ourselves the grandmother, mother, sister, aunt and/or friend of someone grieving.
And I Will Carry You will equip you with the knowledge of how to love and dance the sacred dance of grief and love.
Thank you, Angie, for teaching me how to dance. I love you, friend.